Another recipe from what I made for baby M's recent bday celebration at home.
I hardly use coconut milk when marinating meat, but I should really use it more often. It's this magic ingredient that makes everything creamy and fragrant. Plus, the wet marinate keeps the chicken meat moist even after grilling.
(for 4)
- 4 Chicken thigh fillet with skin on (allow half or one chicken thigh fillet per person, depending on whether it's served with other dishes and lots of rice/other carbs)
- 3 cloves of garlic, peeled
- 3 shallot, peeled
- 2 cm ginger, peeled
- 2 tsp ground coriander
- 2 tsp turmeric
- salt, pepper, sugar
- 200ml of coconut milk
Process everything except coconut milk in a food processor or blender, or you can use mortar and pestle to make your paste. Add coconut milk, mix well. Marinate chicken in the mixture for a couple hours, or leave overnight in the fridge.
On the day of serving, you can either cook the chicken a bit in the marinate before broiling the chicken to brown the skin, or you can place chicken in a preheated oven (200C) along with some of the marinating liquid and grill it until it's done (you can crank up the heat in the last few minutes to really brown the skin). Cook the remaining marinating liquid until reduced, thickened and creamy as use as a sauce.
Golden delicious.
I might make this in the form of sate...because who doesn't love food on a stick?
Sedap! Love ayam panggang!
I've come to realize recently that coconut milk makes just about everything better! Love that sauce.
Yum! And turmeric is so good for us!
First time I heard about using coconut milk in grilling and this definitely goes to my must-try list! Yum yum!!
I have tried the recipe tonight. It worked perfectly. I can smell the coconut as i am typing this. Obsessed with your yummy blog. During lunch made a dash to Citibank tower to have that burger I have been seeing in my dreams for the past few days. It poured outside, but I managed to find a spot among all the bankers who were looking at this crazy mum with a toddler devouring the chili yummy meat patty. Keep on the nice work.
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