Yayyyyy! This is my 88th post!
Celebrating this auspicious moment, (the number 88 in Chinese symbolises RRRichhhyy RICH!), I've decided to throw a party, albeit a virtual one, which is a bold move, considering that in real life, I am an awful host, i.e. I almost never throw any parties *grin*
The last real party I hosted was my sweet 17th birthday party! (Yes that was a LONGGGGGGGG time ago)
While other kids in my hometown celebrated their sweet 17th inviting over 300 guests they might not even know...to eat & drink all they can, laugh at the professional MC's same old jokes, watch the b-day girl doing an impressive-almost acrobatic ballroom dancing routine with her instructor, dance all night long and leave the huge exhibition hall party venue possibly still not knowing the name of the birthday girl....my event was just a humble dinner with my closest friends, which could be considered a shame in my hometown *grin*
But, at least I didn't need to worry about whether people will fight for an invite to my party, whether my party would be the talk of the town, would there be boys who'd fight over me at the party, which would help with the party's being the talk of the town thing, and all the sweet 17th related worries which might sound stupid now, but back then it was a life and death situation LOL.
I seem to have a serious problem of blabbering off course every time...Now back to our party!
Share your take on...
Chinese Take-Out!
Be it Kung Pao Chicken, Sweet & Sour Pork, Fried Rice or Chow Mein...etc...
You can keep it authentic, you can tweak it, make it healthier, make it yummier, simplify it, de-Chinois-ize it, just make it more...YOU!
Submit your entry to mochachocolatarita (at) gmail (dot) com before 12 May 2008, including below info:
- Your name:
- Your blog name:
- Your blog url:
- The title of your post :
- The permalink of the post:
PS. Your post should mention & include a link to this event ^_* and....everybody can join! ^_^
The round up will be posted shortly after deadline and....now...
An (Indonesian) Chinese party isn't a party without a LUCKY DRAW!!!
One lucky winner gets this!
A goooorrrrgeous set of placemats, napkins, napkin rings, and chopsticks (1 pair of each)...can I keep a few sets for myself...maybe in 8 different colors? ^_^

Can't wait to drool over my keyboard! ^_^
haha. Excellent topic. I might just participate! Very nice pair of chopsticks over there.
speaking of take out, it's hilarious,.there was this menu that I saw..it has the heading "Statay" and under it was "Statay chicken, Statey pork, statay beef" it repeated itself for mongolian and sweet n sour.
Hope I can come up with something better than that... hmmm..*thinks hard*
tnx jeng... for invite me.. I'll come up with my special food to make you more drolling and drolling *singing mode*.
Hmmm what I should make
Wow wow, congrats! I'll see what I can cook up soon and maybe will partake in this contest. ;)
sounds like a tempting party ~ less stressful than your sweet 17th and my sweet 16th....ugh the memories!
I am literally running out the door now and will be outta town the next several days.....If I get back in time I'll try to conjure something savory for your get together~keep ya posted! Thnx for the invite....
What a fantastic idea! I already have one dish in mind...shrimp in fermented black beans I saw Mark Bittman make that sounds perfect.
Happy 88th!!!! (guess when my bday is?? 8/8 - I hope i will be rich!)
xoxo, jaden
wowwww..I hope I am a winner, heee
suka banget ama warna maroon nya, berdoa yg kenceng ach biar dapat hadiah nya heeeee.
makasih ya Rita, aku pasti ikutan.
Selamat dengan 88 nya, dulu aku married juga pilih 8 - 8 - 99, soalnya 88 nya itu lho heee
Rita, I will participate but is there a dateline for this?
Rita, I hope you know how much your site makes me smile each and every time I visit. Love your new banner :)
If I can come up with something inventive for your event, I'll be joining you :)
I like the idea of celebrating the 88th post. richy-rich, huh? we're in for this event! we NEVER cook chinese food... prob. cause the crappy stuff up the street is so cheap and we usually only eat it when we're hungover. but this is going to give us a chance to try something new. thanks!
hi daph! an order of statay mongolian sweet and sour, stat! hehehe...i am sure u can come with something super droolablicious hwewehehehe
ayin...ngiler bersama yoookkk
singairish girl...yeah! you can do it...make me wanna! lol
hi taste memory, have a good trip, cant wait for it! aw!
hi ruth! wow...bring it on...sounds deeeeliiiiciiious! in cantonese, shimps = har = hahaha = happiness ^_^
jaden!!! goshhh i should've made my mum produce me on 8/8!!!
wahh mariena, kamu jagoan pilih angka hehehe...pasti lucky dehhh
hi gertrude yes...just submit before may 12th ^_^
hi maryann...hehe can't waittt...i am super excited!
hi ben, a fab & super cute icon is comin up...my designer is fixing her car...thus the delay ^_^
todd and diane!....come on! i know you guys hv a little chinese in you justttt waiting to come out lol...looking forward to your yummy inventions! :)
oh no! i wont be able to participate this time. im leaving for virginia this weekend and only come back on may 22. my fridge/freezer is already empty :((
I hope this wont stop u fr inviting me for future event ya? ;) next time i will definitely chip in.
p.s. i like the gift tho.
oh btw, Happy 88th post!
Sounds like fun! I'll be there!
congrats on you 88th post! What a lucky #! The olympics are going to be on 8-8-08 this year! Anyways, Im so excited about our chinese take out party! Im already thinking up some yummy ideas!
Happy 88th post Rita. Thanks for inviting me. I'll come with an 88 special dish.
hai... salam kenal
kalo mau ikutan harus diundang ya?
I love this idea!
Sure Rita,I will participate,those are my favourite food!!.Happy 88 Birthday!!
Hey I think I'm on my 87th post!
I reaaally want to participate BUT I'm leaving for the Virgin islands tomorrow morning and won't be back until the 11th. And since I'll be in the land of no-wifi and no-land-only-water... I'm screwed!! Am I, really that screwed?
Now you could put a 3 months extension on the dateline just for me. :-)
(Btw: Do you accept bribes?)
Hoe clever, a takeout party...You are so dang creative!
Coolnes! Ok now I just have to think of something to make.... : D
Yes, I'm in! :)
Indonesian-Chinese food is often in my kitchen :) let me think what I will share, since I have been so busy lately with my paperwork and still I work on the weekend :D
Happy 88th! Too bad I'm not a foodblogger, else I'd more than tempted to participate... those chopsticks look lovely! :)
"Jo-san" Rita...this "gwei-lo" shall particpate!
ritaaaa..sipp sippp...moga2 aku bisa ikutan say...
let me think...hmmm...:D...btw cantik pisan itu penampakan sumpitnya..:D
Haiyaaaaaaaaaa count me in!!
Tunggu saatnya ya hihihihi thanks for your invitation ;)
Gong Xi ... Gong Xi ...
From 88 to 888888
Prosperous Number ...
I'll join your party ...
Count me in ...
yu huu......... rame ternyata disini say hahhaha. gw pikir2 dulu yah mau masak apa. Pengen banget sama hadiahnya LUCU!!!
Oh how fun!! You still have the adorableness and energy of a 17th year old! :)
Thanks for the invite!! We'll be out of town, but will try our best to get something together before that! What a great idea!! Hmm....lets see....what will we make....
Ahhhh what should I do,
I wanna join this event so badly,
Can I use my old post?!
Or have to be a new post?!
Mmmmmm thinking really hard here!
Oops, I guess I'm not in time for the party :( ...I just returned from HK and don't think I have time to whip up anything......
I'll try I'll try....
Chinese take-out - I've been eating these days since I don't cook! So must I cook for this party ? Can I join with a real take-out? :P
Congratulations on your lucky 88th post Rita! Love your Chinese take out event - will see what I can come up with.
thanks for invitation dahling... my wok is ready for you hueheehheh...
sounds really cool! would try to make it to your party! :)
okay girl...i want to participate, but goodness, the deadline is may 12, which is a week from tomorrow? do i have time? do i have a will? hahahah...
p.s. you should extend the dateline it longer!
Rita, xie xie for inviting me. Count me in!
Oh,...just notice this party here...from Little corner of mine......I want...i want to take part too...hope i can come up with something lovely...and grab the prize...!
Rita, lagi nulis postingannya nih. Ntar daku kirim yaaaaa...!
Rit, udah aku kirim ke imelmu yaa.
mochachoco rita ~ hey, just getting back and trying to get situated....I am going to try to get something whipped up and posted by the 12th, but my take out order might be a bit late....will post soon + keep you posted!
Congratulations on your 88th post! Hopped over from Little Corner of Mine. Can I join? :)
Oooh! How exciting! I found my way over to your site by way of Peter at Kalofagas, and am so thrilled to have found you! I hope you don't mind I participate! :)
Rita, baru kusadar ternyata harus taruh logo yah buat event ini. ah ha... gw gk ditaruh bukan krn gk mau yah say... tapi krn oon gk tau hahhaa.
btw, seru event lo yg ikutan banyak. sukses bu!
rita -
so upset! due to family in town last week and mother's day here in the US this w/e, we couldn't get it together in time for this event! Darn! but i can't wait to see the roundup. we'll still be making the dish we wanted to for this event, but not by today. :(
Hi Rita!
I posted my entry last night and just emailed you the info. Looks like there are lots of great recipes here. I'm looking forward to your round-up!
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