I remember my happy childhood. Every time I was (pretending to be) sick, which happened almost EVERY Monday morning, my trusting mama always let me stay in bed and wrote a sick-leave letter to my teacher. My report card that year showed a high record of 13 sick days, all conveniently fell on Monday. HAHAHA. Until now, I haven't told my mum that those were fake sicknesses (ranging from stomach ache to fever). I guess some things are better left unsaid, I plan to forever be mama's angelic little good girl. HOHOHO.
Ehm, my mama would (get our helper to) prepare a Mun Tahu dish. Back home, it consists of tofu, minced pork, garlic, spring onion and soy sauce. Mixed with warm steamed rice, it is just sooo comforting, like a warm blanket on cold winter days, even for the healthy (lazy).
In Hong Kong, I found from my friends that their mamas made this dish too. This is Hong Kong version of mun tahu, the pork was changed to beef, and it is just as yummy and comforting, plus, it is easy enough to prepare, perfect for busy (lazy) life style.
- 2-3 pieces of tofu (cut into 4 parts per piece)
- Minced beef
- chopped garlic, chopped cilantro, crushed ginger
- a handful of green peas (we used frozen ones)
- oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, pepper
- a little corn starch
- olive oil
Marinate minced beef in some soy sauce, pepper, oyster sauce, corn starch, for about 15-30 mins. Saute minced beef until almost done, set aside. Saute chopped garlic and crushed ginger until fragrant, add peas, beef, tofu, add sauce when needed, sprinkle chopped cilantro at the end, mix around a little. Serve with warm steamed rice...
and for the record, now I don't take sick leave every Monday, OK? (I just changed it to every Fridays...HR, I AM KIDDING)
oh, nice variation eh? i love mun tahu too, it's such a warm-in-the-tummy kind of food.
you've been tagged, look at my post here: http://fooddiary.blogsome.com/2008/02/20/here-i-go/
wah cici, bikin pengen aja nih mun tahunya nyam nyam.mun tahu itu makanan favo ku sejak jaman dulu kala.hehehe..
Rit, masak tahu? hehehehe
met wiken yoo...
ojo gawe spaghetti tinta ireng.mengko yn sikatan ngentekke odol. huehehe...
oio,ndak ws sido mbok dftrke asian women bla..bla.. (wah,lali aku opo hehe)?
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