Thursday, February 28, 2008

Crispy Stuffed Beancurd Puffs with Indonesian Peanut Sauce

I've been missing Indonesian Batagor (fried fishcakes stuffed into tofu/potatoes/etc, drizzled with peanut sauce) more than I've missed shopping (this is amazing for the former Ms. Shopaholic). Due to below challenges, I had to dramatically tweaked the batagors, to be an entirely different, unrecognizable ones.

The Challenges
(aka Lame Excuses)
- I got off work at 6 pm, even if I ran to the market, the earlier I could get there for is by 6:30
- By 6:30, the tofu suitable for batagors was ofcourse gone, I could only get beancurd puffs
- It takes time to stuff the fillings into different pouches (e.g. potatoes, chillies, bitter melon), and it would be pricey, so I opted to go solo (just beancurd puffs)
- I have hungry "diners" waiting, so I can't take too long to make the batagor fishcake filling/peanut sauce from scratch (okok. The real thing is I DON'T know how to make those from scratch la...if I were to, I'd have to refer to (i.e copy) from online recipes and THAT would take more time..HAHA)
- Tempted to buy pret-a-manger fishcake filling, but fancied something meaty, so went for minced pork instead

Those are some of my "challenges" which yielded these fake batagors. You'll find more and more as you scroll down (good luck!)

The pouch
- HK$6 beancurd puffs
The filling
- HK$10 minced pork, select partially fatty one for smooth buttery feel (can be replaced by other minced meat of your choice: beef, chicken, fish)
- 1 chilli (remove seeds, finely chopped), 1 tiny bulb or garlic (finely chopped)
- 1 egg (it glues everything together & gives nice golden color)
- corriander
- 4 tbsp corn flour (I love them a bit sticky)
- salt, pepper, sugar, oyster sauce
The peanut sauce
- if available Sambel Pecel/Satay Sauce (you can try substituting this with crunchy peanut butter)
- Hot water to dissolve
- Corriander
- Salt

Pour all filling ingredients into a bowl, mix well. Normally I don't post "behind the scene-raw material" pictures, as I know "raw fatty minced pork" is not exactly photogenic. Yikes!

Cut an opening beancurd puffs across the middle, scoop out the inside if there's no space for the filling (some are already hollow). Stuff the beancurd puffs with fillings. The stuffed puffs won't be thoroughly cooked if they are just pan fried. So, I nuked them in microwave for 6 minutes, then pan fried them until golden brown.

Healthier options: once nuked, the puffs are pretty much done, you can skip the pan frying. You can also steam the puffs until thoroughly cooked. Those alternatives will give you soft & fluffy beancurd puffs instead of crispy.

Dissolve the sambal pecel/satay sauce in a bit of hot water, sprinkle corriander all over, add salt if needed, drizzle sauce all over the stuffed puffs, or dip the puffs into sauce when served as finger food in parties.

Have I given you guys enough lame excuses? Expect more in future postings LOL


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

yummy looking dish..haha definitely doesnt seem to be out of place at all..

and hey, its ok if we are lazy, we are human!

Elsye said...

Ini kayaknya enak banget deh Rit....kayak somay...ihihihi..ada bumbu kacangnya, tapi kayak tahu sumedang juga ya...duhh jadi ngiler banget

Jagungmanis said...

aku masak ayam penyet. gelem ora?
tahu mu kui marakke pengen lungo ng taman KB. tuku tahu gimbal... hihihi

Unknown said...

hi joe, yeah, i always try to do yummy things the lazy way kekeke

hi elsye, pas mo nulis nama bingung juga, somay bukan, batagor bukan, tahu sumedang bukan, tahu pong bukan, tahu isi juga bukan...pusingggggg mo dikirimin sambel kacang nya? hehe

deet, ih ngiming2i ayam penyet, gelem banget, fedex account: 1234567 (guyoonnnn). ih kangen banget tahu gimbal...(gimbale wae tapi hehe)

A.G said...

tahune mayan koyo tahu bakso malah... :)pecel tahu yoo wong sambele nggo kacang huehehe

Unknown said...

yin, ngomong2 soal tahu bakso...mustine iso nganggo kuah tomyam kali yo?...asem2 pedess (ih maksaaaaa) hehe

Anonymous said...

wah... di es teler 77 ada baso somay, bentuknya ternyata baso sapi biasa, dipletek, digoreng sampe bentuknya kaya kembang, sirem bumbu kacang.
keliatannya sih super gampang... coba lah buat variasi kalo lagi males. alternatif aja, di hkg bukannya banyak fishcake ato baso ikan yang cocok buat disirem bumbu kacang ala somay? hehehe

Unknown said...

i think everything wud taste good if showered with bumbu pecel hahahah