Today's post is bilingual, my crappy English meets SC's dubious Chinese. Heheheh.
It's SC's debut interpreting my posts into Chinese or writing the Chinese version in his own style. Please give him a warm welcome~!
It's SC's debut interpreting my posts into Chinese or writing the Chinese version in his own style. Please give him a warm welcome~!
大家好, 大家有睇開Rita個Blog都應該知道我係邊個.
冇錯, 我就係SC(SOUS CHEF), 一個唔係太識煮野食既副廚.
由今日起, 我將會為大家寫個中文版, 希望大家鐘意.
小弟英文唔好, 中文又唔好, 如果有D咩寫錯, 請多多包涵!!
Look at these cuties. Aren't they the most adorably shaped cookie dough ever?
Do you have a kitchen gadget that has been sitting around idly in your kitchen for a couple of years (!), lonely and unused?
I surely do.
I got this cookie press as a birthday gift from a good friend, Sir A, a couple years ago. I kept promising myself to find a suitable recipe, and only managed to finally use it...yesterday evening.
Procrastination is my first name, middle name and also last name :D
唔知大家屋企有冇D買左都未用既廚房用具呢? 我就咁啱咁蹺有一個. 係我既一個好朋友Sir A幾年前送比我的生日禮物. 我成日同自己講一定要揾到一個好正既曲奇食譜先去用佢, 無謂失禮嘛
攪到琴晚, 終於的起心肝試吓啦. 冇辦法啦, 我個名係叫做慢吞吞嘛..XD

It's supposed to be so easy to use...

...and it makes 12 different shapes of cookies! All cute and adorable!
仲可以整出12種唔同既形狀, 有D整到出黎仲好攪笑..

SC and I fiddled with it for a while and failed to produce good looking cookies numerous times! I almost gave up, but SC...being persistent as always, kept trying until he finally pressed beautiful looking flowers on the baking sheet.
我同SC試左好多次都失敗..(其實係因為大家都懶得去睇說明書..). 最後我都頂唔順, SC話比佢試吓. SC憑住無比既耐性 (其實佢頂唔順走左去睇說明書..). 最後都整到個好靚既櫻花出黎!!!

After finish baking...

Super duper cute pink cookies!
These ones don't have any chocolate chips though, the chocolate chips won't go through the cookie press.
哩D係冇朱古力脆片的, 因為D朱古力脆片唔可以係個曲奇噴射器度噴出黎..
The strawberry cookie dough with chocolate chips were made into my favorite shape...
The strawberry cookie dough with chocolate chips were made into my favorite shape...
別名: 阿米巴變形蟲塔..
I used a random choco chip cookies recipe I found online, omitted the walnuts and vanilla essence, added strawberry essence and a touch of pink food coloring. These cookies are melt in your mouth, but I find them too sweet. The strawberry essence gives them this weird "artificial" flavor. Since they're not really good, I am not sharing the recipe here. Let me know if you have a good idiot proof cookie recipe ;)
I used a random choco chip cookies recipe I found online, omitted the walnuts and vanilla essence, added strawberry essence and a touch of pink food coloring. These cookies are melt in your mouth, but I find them too sweet. The strawberry essence gives them this weird "artificial" flavor. Since they're not really good, I am not sharing the recipe here. Let me know if you have a good idiot proof cookie recipe ;)
我係求其係網上面揾到哩個曲奇食譜的, 自己改左小小野, 冇落合桃同雲呢拿香草精. 因為屋企有, 所以落左士多啤利香草精同紅色既食用染料. 整左出黎係入口即溶, 但係就甜左少少. D士多啤利香草精比左D曲奇士多啤利味, 但D味有D怪. 最後由於唔係咁好食, 我都係唔係度出食譜啦…最後, 如果大家有D咩好味曲奇食譜, 記得話比我知, 等我試吓.
The cookie press can be bought online from Amazon or you can also try finding it in kitchen/baking gadget shops around you.
The cookie press can be bought online from Amazon or you can also try finding it in kitchen/baking gadget shops around you.
個曲奇噴射器可以係Amazon 度買, 或各大廚房用具店都應該有
u can try these lemon cookies -
it's really easy and cookies should hold their shape after they were baked. so far i have tried heart & round... no prob.
大家對個中文翻譯滿意嗎? XDD
at least they look really good! Those cookie cutters look pretty cool. Never seen those before.
Wow... looks delicious...
Love the color and shape, so sweet looking. I have a cookie press that I almost gave up on too. I just found it so time consuming to use it. :P
they look pretty good....yes i had a ceramic chicken cooker i finally used in february after like three years....anyway i love cookie press cookies....i cant wait to see more and the pink color is very pretty....hooray for your man in the kitchen too!
I had to laugh at the amoeba comment. They are my favorite shape also :P
So cute! I bet they would look really cute with a chocolate chip inserted in the middle after being pressed but before being baked. ^.^
That's the first time I have seen a tool like that!
Oh these are so cute! I want to buy them and bake cookies now!
The cookie press looks like a cute tool to use but requires a lot of the pink flowers cookies!
#1....your English is totally fine! In fact much much better than a lot of blogs around, esp the ones from Msia. Yes, I can say that as I was born there! #2...kudos for trying out the cookie press! I have the Wilton Decorator Max kit which I got for CAD 3 from a thrift store(totally brand new) has been sitting ard for 6 mths now I think. #3...if there is a Wilton decorating class somewhere in HK, take it...a lot of fun learning new skills. I did Part 1 & 2, skipped the fondant course as I cannot stand f! #4...make a fake cookie batter (flour, water, some oil perhaps) and practise with the kit. #5...if u want to include some real strawberry flavour, get some freeze-dried s'berries and blend them into a fine powder. I do that to make macarons..turn out reasonable. Sorry for being long-winded...
That's so cute!
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