Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not Just Another Lunch 住家菜之-最好味既越式炸蛋同焦糖雪糕

During the Easter weekend, we set aside a day for a potluck/takeaway/cooking/eating/whatever lunch at my humble dung hole :D
復活節既另一個攪作, 就係開左個住家菜party, 大家自攜食物/飲料去我極細既屋企開party
Just Another Lunch at My Place
We ate, we took photos (mostly of the food and the baby, food bloggers often forget to take people photos), we talked (a lot) about 3D porn, we tried to play with baby Marcus who was at his crankiest (uh oh!), we forgot that we had booze and cake, there was something Hello Kitty (this is Hong Kong after all!), we had to walk sideways a lot because of the space (or lack thereof heheheh), in short, we had a lot of fun!
我地又食又影(主要係影野食同傲B. 一眾美食博客既弊病, 就係唔記得影人..). 個日我地不斷重温3D肉蒲團既劇情, 又睇吓邊個抱傲B會令到佢喊(小朋友怕生保). 玩到我地唔記開酒飲同o另個蛋糕出黎切...雖然空間有限, 好彩大家都玩得好開心!!! (而我[SC]就另左盒 Monopoly Deal出黎, 可惜大家都係太忙..)

What did we eat?
Just Another Lunch at My Place
I made some simple food...

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Shrimp paste grilled chicken wings,

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Chunky kering tempe (soybean cake in palm sugar, herbs & spices),

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Fu yu (fermented bean curd) grilled pork neck,

Just Another Lunch at My Place
My helper's vegetable fritters,

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Sambal terong (eggplant in Indonesian spicy chilli paste),

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Beef rawon (Indonesian beef stew),
牛肉窩 (印尼菜)

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Spicy, sweet and sour pickled pineapple, jicama & sweet potato.
雜菜沙律 (印尼菜)

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Jen made these absolutely delicious Vietnamese Scotch Eggs!

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Perfectly cooked egg in flavorful, juicy on the inside, crispy on the outside pork "shell". SC said this is the best egg dish he's ever had, and nagged me every few minutes to get the recipe from Jen. Heheheh.
糖心蛋加外面焗到脆晒既豬肉包住, 我覺得真係好好食, 求呀JEN提供食譜

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Gary made salted caramel ice cream. It's a perfection! SC said this is the best ice cream he's ever had! Trust be, he is not just being nice (I don't think he's capable of "just being nice". Heheheh)
Gary大哥既自家焦糖雪糕, 真係正到冇朋友..係我食過最好食既雪糕, 可惜第二啖已經冇左味(條脷麻醉左..)下次要一路食一路飲黑咖啡黎清清味蕾

Just Another Lunch at My Place
HK Epicurus brought these Hello Kitty sweets to bribe baby Marcus! How clever of him! Baby Marcus didn't cry when he said hello. Cheeky cheeky smart Kelv :D
HK Epicurus 買左包hello kitty糖黎賄賂傲B, 傲B真係冇喊....

And because I'm just the most ridiculously stupid host ever, I forgot to take out these deliciousness to share...
被遺忘左既熊仔蛋糕, 多謝Jason!
Just Another Lunch at My Place
Super cute polar bear cake from Jason,

Just Another Lunch at My Place
Beer and mint choco chip ice cream from Fran,

Just Another Lunch at My Place
...and a bottle of rose from e*ting! I can't promise that we can keep this for next time...

It was a lot of fun, we shall do it again soon!
幾時再有哩D party...好期待ing


Mrs Ergül said...

I love having such get together with my foodie friends and everybody contribute something yummy every time!

Yeri said...

OH my that egg dish looks divine. If you do get the recipe, please share!! :O)

celine said...

my girls LOVE tempe ... and i have no clue how to cook it after my helper left years ago. when you have the time, can you please share your recipe? plus the chicken wings with shrimp paste and fu yu pork neck?

thanks a million from this desperate, hopeless housewife who is trying very hard to increase the types of dishes that she can make for dinner. :) xoxo

ooiceline [at] gmail [dot] com

Jaimie said...

Wow, that is quite the Easter fest! I love it!!! But wait, my next question (and you don't have to answer) is, are you even Christian? Either way, your meal looks absolutely scrumptious! :)

Anonymous said...

i would to love to eat all this! and of course we forget to take photos of people haha

Alice said...

bakwan sayur, rawon, tempe, terong, asinan!!!!!!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....mau semuaaaaaaa!!!!!

Little Corner of Mine said...

What a nice spread of food, you cooked a lot. The polar bear cake is so cute. I saw this egg dish featured on Chinese TV before, very easy to make but I don't know what the seasonings your friend put in her minced pork.

Joanne said...

You must have eaten your way to an Easter food coma! Everything looks delicious!

Unknown said...

I was on the recipient end of such a great meal, your dishes were prepared to such high standards I was still in awe of how this was possible (and Jens!). I must say I count myself lucky not to bring anything at all except packaged lemon tea haha, otherwise everyone will be having a laugh at my food ! I'll try better next time, let me experiment first :D

shellie said...

yum...why dont you live closer because i want to visit your dung hole and eat!!! all holidays are an excuse to eat something yummy!Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

OMG, those eggs look delicious! And I'm salivating over the Sambal Terong and Beef rawon, looks so good! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter lunch!