I wasn't feeling very well yesterday and wanted something warm, something comforting, but yet still easy to put together (typical me)...and suddenly I thought of this dish I grew up with, ayam kecap (chicken in soy sauce), cooked the way it's cooked at home, again minimum ingredients, maximum deliciousness.

- one whole chicken, cut into parts (or you can buy the ones that's already butchered, or you can use chicken fillet), remove excess skin and fatty bits, keep some skin though, it makes the soup really luscious
- 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
- hot water, soy sauce, white pepper, salt
Add chicken pieces into a pot, our hot water just enough to cover the chicken pieces, pour about 3/4 ladle of soy sauce, half a teaspoon of salt, a dash of pepper, bring to boil. Once boiling, simmer under low heat until the chicken meat is super tender and the meat absorbs the flavor of soy sauce (which will happen in no time if you used chicken fillet). Since I used a whole chicken and I have a pressure cooker, I pressure cook it for 20 minutes...and done.
Sometimes it is tempting to add this and that...five spice powder, sugar, shaoxing wine, oyster sauce, vegetables, tofu , etc etc etc...but really...you don't need any. This time I successfully kept it as minimum as it originally was and it's finger smacking delicious!
Serve with steamed rice. Back home, my sister and I would break down every single piece of meat off the chicken and gnaw on each bone with our bare hands...eat plates after plates of rice...with a few pieces of kerupuk...our legs up on our chairs, sweat dripping down our backs. Not too elegant perhaps, but what a memorable pleasure! I'm now too pregnant to eat with my legs up my chair...but I still used my hands to wrestle with my dinner last nite and it made me feel a wholeee lot better.
Hope you'd enjoy this ridiculously easy dish too :)
Very yummy indeed! I love soy sauce chicken and so do my grandsons.
Seeing as how I could drink soy sauce and be very happy (yes I like salt). I know I would love this! Definite comfort food.
I have to try your soy chicken one day. I like it with just soy and garlic :)
Here in Philippines, we almost have the same dish but we add a little vinegar. It's called chicken Adobo. And it's one of my favorite dish. Same spice and same procedure. Thanks for sharing this one. If you wont mind I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your post. Just add the foodista widget to the end of this post so it will appear in the Foodista pages and it's all set, Thanks!
That sauce is begging for lots and lots of RICE! =D Hope you get better soon :)
[sigh] I miss the days of eating plates and plates and plates of rice as well... I still use my hands to eat and I do like to sit corss-legged on my chair while eating, so nothing to miss in those respects. ;)
I agree. Sometimes minimum ingredients the dish can still out so good! Hope you are better how, after this delicious dish.
My fave dish when I'm too lazy to cook! lol. Sometimes I even use pork instead of chicken. My son loves it so much. I think almost every Chinese Indonesian family has their own version of this dish. The chicken looks yummy!
What a wonderful recipe! Lots of steamed white rice and coriander and I'm a happy girl! There are times when I could happily eat a whole chicken and this looks like one of them!
Looks really yummy and I can already see myself pouring the sauce over a bowl of steaming rice.
This is one of my comfort food too, hope you are feeling better.
it looks so delicious..i wana make one at home now..
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