First of all, my apologies on another banana related post. I guess I can't go too long without bananas eh? Heck, who doesn't love bananas...I DO! LOVE. BANANAS. SMALL ones! (Somehow, this sounds SO wrong! LOL). Anyway, the above picture didn't look so much like a major failure, eh? Wait 'till you see the one below....
It all started when I made my first spring rolls. A food blogger pal, Michelle of Greedy Gourmet, pointed out that the amount of oil needed to fry spring rolls scared her, and I totally agree. What if we could bake those rolls, or steam 'em? Wouldn't that be nice? So I did my lil' experiment...
Baked Banana Cinnamon & Banana Chocolate Rolls
- half pack of spring roll wrappers (you can make some savoury and some sweet rolls with the whole pack)
- 4 small bananas or 2 big ones, cut into small pieces, sprinkle half generously with sugar and cinnamon
- sugar, cinnamon, chocolate meisjes (looks like rice, or you can use semi sweet chocolate chips/chunks)
- vegetable oil
I used 150C oven, I wrapped bananas as I would savoury spring rolls, lay them on a greased oven tray, brush with a bit more oil, bake until browned.
Actually it would've been not too bad if I didn't get impatient and increased the heat to 200C. But I did, and the melted sugar and chocolate started to ooze out of the rolls...and the skin started to burn...sob these were the results:
EEEECCCKKK!! OH YEAH! That's a failure alright! But we ate them anyway, and after peeling the super burnt parts, they actually tasted pretty fantastic! LOL~! My failures never tasted THIS good! I'll try again next time with lower heat ^_^ Never surrender!
If you heard someone screaming "OH NO!" on the background, that's sous chef, who emerged as a hero, not in shiny armour nor on a white horse, but with a cup of oil and a frying pan. Sous chef deep fried the rest of the rolls...and eventually we still got to feast on sweet banana rolls...^_^
Who would've thought one could still go wrong with banana, sugar, cinnamon & chocolates, eh?
hehehe. That means more future chances for experimenting mocha. =) The fried version looks really good.
What if you baked the spring roll skins like chips, and then topped them with bananas and chocolate? I made banana and mango spring rolls and dipped them into Nutella. :) That worked but it involved frying. And I know you were trying to avoid that.
hehehehe... gpp-lah, artinya bakalan ada postingan baked banana lagi deh ;)
Rita, you're a good sport...blame it on the sous-chef!
If you want to bake, try using phyllo pastry.
Funny and thanks for sharing your experiment.
Rita... love this kind of snack! But I prefer un-healthy food by frying those bananas instead of baking. Biar tambah kriuk-kriuk gitu qiqiqi.
dlmnya pake coklat meises asyik punya!
Despite the burnt mishap, these look great and sound like a delicious treat. I can't get enough bananas so don't you worry about the banana posts! :)
Rit...aku jg bikin pisang gini, tp digoreng...males nungguin oven...
Hari jumat lalu dpt pesenan teman..
Enak ya?
your reference to loving small bananas made me laugh! I'm glad i'm not the only one who has mishaps in the kitchen.. LOL. i love banana fritters. holler when you make it again and i'll gladly partake of it! hehehehe...
Hmmm... we love turon but, yes, the frying gets in the way.
Oh, turon are bananas (burros) wrapped in lumpia/spring roll wrapper, then fried with brown sugar.
So, baking them, you say... Perhaps we will experiment withthat menthod too!
Hehe, we learned from our experiment right? The deep fried ones sure look yummy though!
Hehehe...sama kayak Dwi, I prefer to fry it. Tapi kayaknya gue kudu nyoba cara yg sehat.
Bananas baked with cinnamon and chocolate sound really good.
I still prefer fried version.never mind ,leanr from failure ,later have better result!!Keep trying:))
Good idea to try baking instead ... I'm sure you will get it right the next round ... in the meantime, could u send one of the deep fried ones over? :P~
Ha! I would have eaten them too! I love burnt food!
OMFG. I'll have one of those for breakfast, please! Ok, 2. Sheesh! lol
qiqiqiiq....gpp rit, gosong pun tetep e ndangg..kan penggemar pisang ini :P...
hihii lucu yg gosong..kesel ya bo
untung akhirnya jadi tuh
kira2 dibaked jadi brp lama rit-? kl goreng kan cepet nek..kalo baked gue nunggubrp lama nih biar jadi?
am banana crzd too. would never had thought of spring roll wrapper?! That one looks like a must try. your combo of bakd banana cinnmn + chocolate=luscious!
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