I am not going to discuss Hong Kong street food, its history, types, background, lalala yada yada yada. You know my blog. It's nothing but subjectivity.
Me, me, me, and me.
So, I am just going to mention my favorite Hong Kong street snack.
In case anyone out there

Siumai? The wonderfully chewy, MSG enhanced, tasty tasty "fish" siumai?
Not just siumai, baby!

Siumai + Indomie Goreng!
Don't you think it's fascinating how Indomie goreng is now one of Hong Kong street snack?
Moments like this, I'm so proud to be Indonesian!
OMG they have that now? Indomie =]
I want to go back to HK just to try it!!
No fish siu mai's on the streets here in Melbourne :(
owww siomay yg ini my fav street snack @ HK too.
g biasa beli disekitar Mongkok krn kebanyakan tinggal disitu hehee
perna juga g bw plng ke Jkt brp pluluh biji siomay ha22
kl soal rasa di JKT masih lbh enak Rit tp its OK lah buat icip2 cemilan selama disana .
biasa saya sambelin ABC sachet.
tapi lom perna cobain yg pake indomie goreng
selaen siomay ada lg my fav snack di HK itu gorengan2 yg ada tahu, fishball , trus sosis , paprika sepp banget
jadi kangen HK deh oh iya satu lagi yg kae soup hisit2an itu yg ada daun seladanya wahh sedep banget
eeeeeh??? indomie goreng?? that`s indeed fascinating! speaking of which, jadi pengen makan indomie :D
Your blog is so entertaining. KC is a lucky dude to hv you. You are easy on the eye, witty and you can cook. Btw, he and yr son are equally good looking.
I love HK food.Sama sukanya dg makanan Sunda dan Thai. Uenaaaak dan uenaaaak ( ini mah gembul atuh namanya. Hehehe)
I love the siomay! they look like the cheap siomay I always get in Singapore, 3 siomays for $1..:)
wow! looks so yummy! :) I want one!! :) nice shot too! :)
HIHIHIHI....Indomie menjajah Hongkong street snack...emang enak tuh....apalagi nyium aroma Indomie di ruangan tertutup full AC....pasti jadi pengen mesen Indomie juga (dan nambah, indomie kuah plus telor en indomie goreng plus telor pake cabe rawit)...:):)
oh man, now I have to go back to HK for this!
I am wondering where you ate that? Not Chan Kee Yue Dan by any chance?
Coz I saw the mee they sell 1 day and vowed to return! Unless you can provide me an alternative choice :D
Wow!!! I never knew that IndoMie is a street snack too! Is it available at all street snacks outlets??? I always go for the curry fish balls, mmmmm .... How do you actually order this Siu Mai + IndoMie combo?
Indomie is popular on HK streets! Wow!
huaaaa yang bener rit....indomie goreng jadi salah satu street snack di HK yah...huaaaa asik bener...emang yah makanan di HK tuh mantep2. Gue demen deh jajan jajanan di HK, cuman agak2 mahal yah makanan di HK...huehehehe...
I try to look VERY hard at the price sign, but I think that says $10? So cheap lah!
Again. Please explain why street food here is not that good?
Manz that's DA bomb!!!! Amazing lethal combi!!! Ya, all hail to Indos :D
Looks fantastic! Haven't had fish siumai in years, although I got plenty of egg waffle fix this time. Have you tried North Point Egg Waffle before in Wan Chai?
That does look pretty tasty. My stomach just churned in hunger. I've already had Bakso Special for lunch in a small Indonesian food joint close to work... Need more. Or for the fact that I'm on the internet, I should be writing... "I NEED MOAR!!!"
I would pair them this way too!
Wow..it looks so delicious. I am proud that Indomie made it into HK Street snack :)
Oh sounds soo good for a midnite snack!
Heya, found you from my cuz' new blog SophieAlamode :)
Talking about fish siu mai leaves me a bit sad. There was bubble tea stall one stall in Sino Center (Mongkok) that sells nice fish siu mai but when I was there in Dec, I realized it has closed down and we tried the siumai from one of the new stalls and it just doesn't taste right!! But the one you photographed looks ok, where is it???
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