Fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me.
I've failed these cookies once and I told you, I'll fail again. Actually no one fooled me, I was simply foolish.
This time, I was determined not to repeat the same mistake. I should've learnt from it, and do it right this time. I was pretty confident. How hard can it be? Ohhhhh...boy...I was too cocky, and much too soon!
What could possibly happen this time? (Again?!!)
This time I was really careful, and kept reminding myself not to line the baking sheet with paper. As instructed in the recipe, I lightly greased the baking sheet. However...I walked away while the cookies were baking in the oven, I failed to supervise it (I walked away to "glance" at a TV program and my azz "accidentally" got planted on the sofa for far too long)....and when I checked the, oh, man!....
They were burnt!!!
I, the smart azz, also added raisins and smell-good spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg...which were all supposedly good...if only they weren't burnt!...unfortunately, they ended up charcoal-esque and bitter. Opppps!!!
But I never gave up, I tried another batch, and I really stood in front of my oven watching them baking every single second possible....I believed I got a pair of bulging red eyes due to the minimised blinking.
Finally I got them right. They were chewy, sweet, they smell fantastic...and they look absolutely beautiful!
This kitty would've made a great witness (if it could see, smell and taste)
Holiday snap of the day...
I wonder if anyone's as lazy as me...these are cute lil' Christmas ornaments...FROM LAST YEAR, which have been hanging on my workstation all through the year ^_*
gelemmmm pokoke yang berbau cinnamon aku yo gelemmmm...endang banget penampakannya rit
glad the next batch came out good ... love sweet endings ;)
wkwkwk.. disaster... tp ws brhasil noo...
iku si kucing lucu temen...
halamaaak... nastarku delay.. lg ono krusakan tools. nganti bt ki aku... hiks..
Burnt offerings happen to most cooks. The next batch looks wonderful!
It wasn't a disaster after all! It eneded well! =)
Nek malas ayo bikin bareng nastarnya....xixixi,kalo ga panggil aja deetha buat bikin nastare.Btw nik,semarange mana seh??
Oh no! Not again! You should have added banana to the batter to keep them moist.. and not burned. :-)
At least the disaster makes it very entertaining for us, your readers. Just don't burn down your neighborhood next time. :-)
Well, everyone could use a little Christmas cheer all year!
These look delicious. Burning happens sometimes even to the best of bakers.
At last you succeeded and it looks yummy!
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