SC's thoughts = sandwiches = cold = tasteless = going to bed hungry = insomnia = depression = suicidal
Little did he know that those words he thought of were too far from the sandwiches I had in mind HA-HA! Look at these babies, lack of which might really cause depression.

I started with these, my favorite, Maxim's 5 Grain Bread, a pretty healthy start, eh?

Then I added (on each sandwich) 2 slices of cheddar cheese, 2 strips of bacon (nuked to heat up), fried egg, slathered each slice of bread with butter, mayo, ketchup. Slather butter on outer part of bread, press and let each side sizzle on hot pan until the slices of cheese melt and the bread turned gloriously golden.

If you had Discovery Travel & Living ON while grilling the sandwiches, just like me, this is what's gonna happen:
kekekeke....tebel banget Rit :D langsung kenyang and enakkss
I love sandwiches, any temperature! HA!
Yours look exactly like croque-monsieur!
hi els, iya, the absolute comfort food, filling bangetttt
hehehe how i wish mine was really croque monsieur ^_^
hmmm i think i love tasty sandwiches
Those looks great! Who cares if they are a little charred? : )
That grilled cheese sandwich sounds so good! My favorite part of a grilled cheese sandwich is the cheese that melts, oozes out the sides and burns on the pan.
It's called cheese melt here :)
pk tuna enak, Rit
Hey! Those still look delicious!! Send them on over to us...we'll eat it! :)
hi jess, yeah..i shouldn't have's YUMMMY
hi kev, i like melted cheese on almost anything hehehe...i'll probably eat the raggedy old boots people sent me via facebook if they were covered with melted cheese lol
hi andaliman, thanks untuk commentnya yaaaa hihihi...oh iya ya, aku pernah coba tuna melts pakai baguette/foccacia...hmm enakkk
Yo WoRC, to have these, pls drop down and gimme 20 .....(fill in the blank hehe) lol
waduh, kui kesukaanku kabeh rotine,Rit....
marakke luwe wae koe iki..
Mmmm.....nyam-nyam. Keliatannya enak, Rit. Pake salami, keju, salada...terus dikasih saos pedes (hehehe, kalo yg ini sih seleraku kekekek).
Btw, thanks udah nongkrong di dapurku ya, Rit.
iyo deetttt...iki aku yo ketagihan kekeke
hi sheila, thanks yah dah mampir hehehehe...tadinya mo diselipin lettuce, tapi gagal karena naluri karnivorku menang kekeke payah nih aku ga sehat seleranya
kalau sandwiches gw lewat Rit. diganti ama nasgor aja hahaha. Tapi aku suka bikin buat laki ku.
btw gk bikin bento say? di hongkong produk bento pasti lucu2 yah.
hi dwiana, hmm hehehe aku mah ganti-ganti aja...ini pas aja kepengen sandwich keke...tiba2 aku juga kangen nasgor neh...ntar bikin ah...
bento aku selalu bikin kok, tapi ngga yg cantik2...asal ajah hehehe jelek pisan jadi ga difoto
Oh man, I want a bite too! I know...grilled one is so sinful but yet sooooo yummy!
Hi Rita,
I got your blog address from your sister Ayin (my daughter is her friend). I love cooking so I enjoy your blog so much. Hope to get to know you better so we can share cooking experience & tips.
welcome to my blog, wina, glad you like it :)
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