Sorry for flaunting some more Indonesian food pornage.
These golden bars are something I've been missing forever...they're my hometown (Semarang)'s specialty and they ain't no ordinary spring rolls.

Super flaky, crispy and thin spring roll wrapper...

with bamboo shoots, dried shrimps, pork and scrambled eggs inside.
Greasy goodness! Absolutely heavenly!
They are my breakfast, lunch and dinner for the coming few days ^_^
Can't get enough of them!
rit, aku suka lumpia dicocol pakek sambal taoco, ambek nyeplus lombok hehe
I find that spring roll here isn't as good as our lumpia :) It has much more flavour and filling for sure. I should post the Surabaya style one day as I already had the Semarang one.
Ahhhhhh........tidakkkkkk!!! Ini namanya penyiksaannnn ngliat foto2 makanan ini hukhukhikhik......duhhhh lumpia semarang kan enak bangetttt, wangi rebungnya plus saus cocolannya.....*cegluk2 sambil nelen ludah*
I love the filipino version of lumpia, as I grew up with a huge filipino population in San Diego.
Greasy goodness is so totally worth it when packaged into such a delicious roll!
Yummy! I love this kind of spring rolls.
OMG, Rita!! I thought the ones with pork have been extinct! I haven't been home in decades. So comforting to know that the pork variety is still available. Did your mom bring the lokio & pickles too? I saw the brown sauce on your pix. I am turning green with envy :-P
Just by looking, I know it is delicious. Yes...!
don't apologize for the Indonesian food porn! They look freaking delicious. The thin crispy exterior and all that goodness inside. Is it wrong that I'd like them for breakfast?
Wow gal! You can cook!
Lumpianya keliatan asli dan enak bener tuh! Uuuhhh rindu rindu!!
Salam Manis, Pierre.
hey pierre, thanks for dropping by. i didn't cook this :D my mom brought them all the way from indo ;)
Your pictures looked so tempting that I just had to make these. Loved the bamboo shoots and scrambled egg and dried shrimp variation.
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