It all started with a hot, sticky, balmy, and hazy weekend.
I looked out my window and there seemed to be a layer of white with 80% opacity (my first photoshop "talk"...oh my!)

Roaming around outdoors for a mere 5 minutes felt unbearable...so I made a swift decision to abandon all of my weekend plans (window shopping, trying out new lenses, picnic in a park, cooking an elaborate weekend feast? Nonono...NO) and decided to stick my ass to my bed watching bad TV.
Initially, I had no intention to go anywhere near my stove or oven, and planned to survive the day by simply sucking on ice cubes. However, my itchy hands and my sudden sweet tooth failed me, I'd blame it on the memory of Hungry Monkey Sherbet I've made before.
Spending a few minutes on the stove and mixing some frozen liquid every hour in an air conditioned flat...sounds like an exciting way to spend this hot weekend (my super boring life - pity or envy? ^_^). At least I could feel like I've achieved something other than finishing another batch of sappy drama and growing my ass a few centimeters wider. HAHA!
Since I've done chocolate before, this time I wanted to experiment with something else.
Earl Grey Milk Tea

I thought I could simply remove the chocolate component of Dave's chocolate sherbet recipe and replaced it with earl grey tea. I was (again, as always) wrong.
To get enough earl grey tea flavor, I've added too much water. It took forever to freeze the mixture...and after a few hours of mixing, it became a slurpee instead of a sherbet.

Fortunately, slurpee is fantastic for summer, and earl grey is just the perfect tea for this, with a touch of fragrant bergamot...it gave the slurpee almost a minty quality to it.

- 1 cup milk
- 5 cups hot water
- 8 bags of earl grey tea
- 2 pinches of salt
- 2/3 cup sugar
Brew tea with the hot water in a pot on a stove, add sugar, add salt, mix until dissolved, add milk, pour into a freezer safe container (I used a plastic container), and let cool. Once the mixture is cool, put in the freezer for one hour, use a hand mixer to mix the liquid, and put it back into the freezer, repeat this step until you get a smooth and fluffy texture. The slurpee can be served immediately after the last mixing (no further freezing required).
With this kind of weather, I am sure it'll be gone in no time.
In the end, I failed to finish another batch of sappy drama, but I think I still managed to grow my ass a little wider...thanks to this sweet treat.
i have this obsession with earl grey i am so making this--looks really delicious
You just gave me the inspiration to make "Thai Ice Tea" sherbet/slurpee *LOL*
Very refreshing, haha, not bad at all if it turned out to be slurpee lah.
That still looks great! I have a recipe for green tea sorbet that is really good.
hi shannon...yes i am rather obsessed with earl grey too. reduce the amount of water if you wanna make a sorbet :)
tuty...iya nih kesalahannnnn
kenny ya...but i wanted a sorbet T_T i will try again another time
hi pam, i went to snoop around your blog and found a recipe for lemon rosemary sorbet! wow! so gonna try that
sherbet or slurpee, both I like ... gimme! :D I love tea flavoured foods ^^
mmmmm i love earl grey. what a lovely slurpee
This is so cool! Rarely do I see frozen treats with tea in them. I think the only frozen tea item I have made would be some English Breakfast Tea Ice Cubes. And I did that at a hotel :). They must have been mad cleaning my mess!
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