Friday, November 28, 2008

Chicken Wings in Chinese Five Spice

I am thankful for.... teeny tiny flat which makes cleaning a breeze & gives the best excuse for gardening failures
...a sous chef & a bunch of guinea pigs (you know who you are) who eat everything, including my foodisasters foodisasters. I've failed once, I'll fail again. HAHA! frenemies, who constantly give me good reasons to despise them mama, who doesn't really cook, thus, won't bug me with "No! You're doin' it wrong!" all the time baby sista, with whom I can enjoy guilt-free protein+fat+carbs+carbs+more cabs meals, because the shopping afterward is bound to make ourselves feel even more guilty :p food blogging friends who perfectly understand why I need to take 1001 pictures of the same dish in different poses, background and lightings

and I am also thankful for frozen chicken wings, which can be turned into tasty treats pretty easily.
Chicken Wings in Chinese Five Spice

- 10 pcs chicken wings - mids
- 1 clove of garlic, 2 cloves of shallot, 1 piece of ginger ground until smooth with a bit of olive oil (you can finely chop them and then use pestle and mortar to smash 'em, or simply use the powdered version of everything)
- chinese five spice powder, salt (non iodized), white pepper, and sugar
- olive oil for pan frying/grilling

Boil frozen chicken wings with a bit of salt until the meat is just cooked (poke one of them with a fork to check the inside part), drain, pat dry. Rub wings with the garlic, shallot, ginger, & olive oil paste. Sprinkle salt, white, pepper, sugar and Chinese five spice powder, rub them in, let them marinate for at least an hour. It is best if left refrigerated overnight. Pan fry in a bit of hot oil just to brown the skin, or grill in the oven at 250C until you get enough brownage going.

Want more wings?
- Peanut Butter Chicken Wings

- Mama's Classic: Hong Kong Style Curry Chicken Wings

- Honey Glazed Grilled Chicken Wings

Mmmm...I am also thankful for this fall/winter's puffy silhouette which accomodates my blessings (i.e. ever expanding waistline)


Anonymous said...

Wowee! got me salivating all over the place! I loooove chicken wings.... can't wait to try these :)

Peter M said...

Yum, I'm doing chicken wings today and the 5-spice idea sounds wonderful!

Indonesia Eats said...

The past two weeks , I have been making chicken wings. I used galangal fried chicken recipe, as usual I modified to oven-baked style

Katie said...

Ah, cooking disasters...they make the good meals even better!

Cakelaw said...

Finger lickin' good wings Rita. I'm with you on the small apartment and cleaning - I have better things to do!

I have given you an award here:

glamah16 said...

I am always crazy about wings and these look of so good!

Anonymous said...

Yuummmmmmm but I think we need much more than 10 pieces of chicken wings ;)

food makes me happy said...

You just gave me a good idea of how to turn the chicken wings in my fridge into a wonderful dish!

Anonymous said...

Anything fried surely tastes good! and with the five-spice, even better! :)

tigerfish said...

feel like watching TV with these chicken wings now....
and some beer, pls ;p

Jo said...

Delish looking wings. I love 5-spice powder on this as well and would usually buy the premixed type.

Cynthia said...

I love wings and all meats cooked with five-spice powder.

daphne said...

I can see your creativity flowing everywhere! Great job on the chicken wings!

Little Corner of Mine said...

I love 5 spice powder, this chicken wings must be flavorful.

test it comm said...

I like the sound of five spice chicken wings!

Beachlover said...

wow!your wings look good wt 5 spices! I usually roast chicken wt 5 spices..must try your style pan fried one day!

Lady Batya said...

Nggak nolak !!! mau banget ch wings nya. Aku baru aja selesai buat ayam bumbu kuning n semuanya pakai sayap ayam aja hee. Tau nggak Rit..buat kapan? haaa..buat 26 Desember nti...abis kl nggak buat dari sekarang bakalan kacau berat, soalnya anak ku tuh aduhh clingy banget. Makanya liat ayam mu ini..aku jadi pengen goreng sekarang juga tuh si bumbu kuning hmm yam yam

Anonymous said...

they do look delicious... with your creativeness in your blog, i passed an award for you... :)

KC said...

I have a bag of wings, you've given me a great recipe for those wings!

Unknown said...

thanks for the comments. guys...hmm i think now i am addicted to this 5 spice powder...helpppp!!!!