I've been living in Hong Kong for more than 10 years and this is my first time to Mui Wo.
Oh well, better late than never.
We chose to go to Mui Wo by taking the ferry from Central Pier 6.
SC suggested that since we can't afford Business or First Class flights, we try Deluxe Class Ferry.

Bad decision.
It's stuffy and made me feel seasick.
Ordinary is much better.
Luckily, OB enjoyed his ferry ride very much.

We walked around Mui Wo without reading much about it.
That seems to be our modus operandi when we are exploring a new place.
Ahem. LAZY.

It's funny how when we see something like this in another country, I'd take 2348346 pictures of it, and when I saw it in Hong Kong I just took 3 pictures. Heheheh.
It's not really the right weather for the beach, but we let OB play with his Optimus Prime there for a bit.

We saw Big6 parents who stripped their kid completely naked to play in the water. Shudder... I don't wanna think about it.
We checked out the cultural centre, full of cool vintage stuff which prompted SC to take selfies...

Cute things, cute things...

Everywhere cute things.

A lovely sighting of preserved meat...

I resisted the temptation to take a selfie with it.
What are these gorgeous buildings? They can't be people's residence???

We decided to take on the challenge and walk to the waterfall with cranky, tired and hungry OB.

The wonderful things about Hong Kong spring...

... 17C weather and pretty flowers everywhere.

Finally, we reached the waterfall!
Telling my dudes to not climb up there is as useful as trying to stop me eating bacon...

Mommy lets out a big sigh when they got off the waterfall safely.

We took a different route back to the ferry terminal.

Gorgeous blooms everywhere.

Turn a corner, another beautiful sight...

We were so hungry when we reached the ferry terminal.
We had early dinner at the most crowded place, Bahce Turkish Restaurant.

Lovely Turkish tea - HK$30, unlimited refill.

Platter of hot meze. Delicious.

I love their soup.

Beef kofta. Not bad at all.
We decided to take a different route back home. We took bus to Tung Chung MTR station instead of taking ferry to Central.
Both routes result in similar travel time for us.
We went home absolutely exhausted but really happy about the trip.
On to our next adventure next week~
(trying to avoid Toys 'R Us every weekend)
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