Hello, yummy crab roe, come to mama!
Hairy crab season is here, and this is a preview to Mandarin Oriental's Man Wah hairy crab menu.
Ohhh... where do we start?

Smoked black cod. Tasty and succulent. I like.

Crispy "eel" - actually they are mushrooms. I always love anything crispy.

Drunken crab. Actually, it's more like drunken me. My face was red, I turned giggly and loudly obnoxious after eating this. Yep, it is that easy to get me drunk. Oppps.
The star of the show.

"Dismantling" a hairy crab beautifully in less than 3 minutes. Oh man, may I take her home?

YEAH BABY! Check out the crab roe. Slurpppp. I had to remind myself that I was not alone and... must... not... grab... all... the... roeeee. Argh!
Now, my top favorite dish of the night.
Crab tart. Oh my! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee!

Crab meat and crab roe in crispy shell, served piping hot. Abso-bloody-lutely delicious! I almost wanted to steal my neighbor's when he stepped outside. Too bad he came back too quickly.

Braised Shanghaiese cabbage with crab meat. Seriously scrumptious! Love love love it!

Stir fried hairy crabs with rice cake & salted fish.
Normally, I am not a big fan of sticky rice cakes.... and would avoid it, except for this one! They are wonderfully chewy and the super tasty sauce clings to them. So yummy, I even had seconds!

Crab broth with tomatoes, wood fungus and baby greens. Adore the broth, and was also in love with the fish tofu cake.

Premier crab roe with steamed rice. Rich roe and fragrant rice. Love it!
Pleasantly full, now it's time for something sweet!
And breakfast was served.

Huh? Oh yes, this dessert's inspired by Shanghaiese breakfast. How adorable!
Soy milk ice cream with crispy Chinese fritter and fried sticky rice cake. I always love a combination of sweet and savory. So, this is perfect! Satiny smooth and light soy milk ice cream with crispy savory fritters. Amazing!
Thank you so much for the invitation, Man Wah!
Wanna try?
Call Man Wah.
Hairy crab menu starting from HK$558/person for lunch, or HK$988/person for dinner +10%
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Hong Kong Fashion Geek
joie de vivre
yum!!! i want those hairy crabs!
amazing pics! and it's awesome how the crab was dismantled, never seen anything like that before!
Whoa! I have never seen that much done with crab in my life!
Oh wow YUM
Omgoodness that crab roe looks absolutely amazing! Wish I could get my hands on those hairy crabs!
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