I am sure you have heard of the term "slowly but sure". It's good for something you're hoping for, such as success or achievements, but not so great for weight gain. Hehe. Plus, weight gain is normally not exactly slowly but sure, it's more like rapid and unstoppable (at least mine is).
The last few weeks when I realized that none of my pants fit, I had a crazy idea to start an extreme dieting. Skipping meals, eating almost nothing, starving myself to stupidity and the like. How silly of me to think that I'd succeed. The first day I skipped breakfast I felt pretty happy with myself, by the time I successfully had a very minimum lunch of healthy sandwiches I was pretty smug, thinking, I could totally do this. Summer swim suits, here I come!
I went home after work planning to skip dinner and attend an exercise class. Before class, I was preparing lunch boxes for the day after. Something simple. Just putting together a spicy green chilli sauce I made previously, and leftover rice. Everything was going well as planned...
....until I tasted the
Nasi Goreng Sambal Ijo (Spicy Green Chilli Fried Rice)

...and everything went downhill from there.
(serves 4)
- 2 cups rice, cooked, refrigerated overnight
- 1/2 lbs minced meat
- 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 8 large green chilli, chopped
- ground cumin, ground corriander seeds, salt, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, pepper, olive oil
Saute garlic, chilli and onion in hot olive oil, add ground cumin and ground corriander seeds, add rice, mix well, season with salt, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, and serve.
It might look all simple and humble, but it is fragrant and super tasty. It kinda reminds you of eating hot steamy rice with Padang restaurant's sambel ijo. Yum!
I ravenously downed at least two meals worth of the evil fried rice (super gurihhhh) - ohhhh carb! and the only exercise I could do after that was lying on my couch clicking the remote control watching some bad TV.
So much for extreme dieting. Folks, do not try this at home (the diet, not the fried rice ^_^)
berasmu beras opo rit kok bunder2 bunthek ngono? ning omahku cuma doyan jasmine rice...eh sama sushi rice ding...
Haha, very funny post........it's just so hard to resist good food , isn't it?!?
bagiiiiiiiiii.. secara masih pagi dan perut keroncongan :))
Who wants a diet when there is such delicious fried rice around? ;)
Oh no......I know exactly what you're talking about. All this food blogging does make one's trousers tighter! But that fried rice looks SO GOOD!
mmm used to have this when i was young. my aunty loves green chillies rather than red ones, not sure why. brings me back the memory, your post :)
Sounds so good with all the flavorful ingredients! The fried rice that screwed up my diet would be the egg white fried rice with the crab and fish roe. I once ate 10 bowls of it when most of Hong Kong's rice bowls all used to be of a smaller version and not the one that it is now. :)
yeah... i would break my diet for that rice, too!
This looks so good. And there are NO calories in it. Really :)
suka sama piringnya..
I love fried rice of any kind!! Indo banget yah! Btw, I just checked out Design Sponge (I usually read it every other day)...and saw your IKEA dresser in there! Awesome, Rit!!!
ohh.. sounds so good !!I am on my diet too, this post is not helping me at all ;-)))hmm.. fried rice, here i come ...
Don't worry about diet Rita. We need to indulge ourself with some comfort food once a while :)
Hee hee this is so truuuee, and that fried rice sure looks super appetizing mmm
This is the 2nd serving of fried rice I've seen in a matter of 5mins. I think I will be the one who will get fat! :O
I think any nasi will screw up your diet but what the heck especially if it's nasi goreng. In fact I made chinese fried rice tonite for dinner.
When i read the word 'diet' i got up from chair and went to get an ice cream bar in the freezer. Did you hypnotized me or something?
The fried rice sounds great! screw the diet!
my diet will fly out the window too with the looks and sound of this fried rice!!
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