Look at that scrumptious spread! Went to try St Betty's famous Sunday Roast with a couple of friends including blogger
Gastronomous Anonymous. Since we're crazy big eater, we were wondering if the Sunday Roast set's gonna be enough for us. We were assured that it'd be enough (look at the above scrumptious spread!), but since we're greedy bastards, we ordered more anyway.
Portion control has always been our problem.
We also ordered the ox heart tomato with pesto, dried black olives with 8 year old balsamic vinegar.

It's hilarious how we've overlooked the word "tomato" since we had our eyes fixed on the words "ox heart". We were totally shocked and couldn't believe what we saw when the tomato salad arrived. Our bad! Fortunately, it looked amazing and tasted fantastic. Phew!
We ordered this sweetcorn fritters with ricotta, corn salsa and morteau sausage for baby Marcus, who is now no longer a baby, he's now a cute two year old with a healthy appetite.

We thought we could feed him a bit of this and share the rest, but unexpectedly, Marcus could pretty much finish the whole plate and we only got to try one tiny bite each. It's absolutely delicious!
The Sunday Roast's SUPER YUMMY! I especially LOVE the roast beef, yorkshire pudding, and the Chinese cabbage confit with Japanese bacon. Perfectly cooked beef, fluffy yorkshire pudding, and tasty veggie with bacon! I adore! Plus horseradish cream? I pretty much slathered everything with that.

The set also came with roast potatoes and crushed root veggies. I don't mind them, but I'd rather concentrate of my favorites :D
We almost ordered extra desserts, but luckily our server reminded us that the Sunday Roast includes this yummy rhubarb crumble.

SC helped me with that money shot :D
Buttery deliciousness! Not too sweet, but sufficiently rich & satisfying. I like!
SC & Marcus had fun enjoying the crumble too!

Everybody were stuffed to the brim, but we (I) managed to finish most of the beef. Heheheh.
The meal's a tad pricey (HK$440 per person but that's because we were so greedy & ordered lots) but I do love their beef. Hmmm beef. I crave some right now.
Check out Gastronomous Anonymous review
The rest of the photos will be uploaded to
my Facebook Page.
St Betty
Shop 2075, Podium Level 2
IFC Mall, Central
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2979 2100