We start and end everything with...
food :D

It started on my birthday 00:00:00 HKT (GMT+8), SC surprised me with a super luscious chocolate cake. He had 2 bites, I had the rest. Bday girl's prerogative ;)
Then we had our closest friends over for a Christmas & Bday bash...we started with (again), chocolates

Love black lindor and gold ferrero roche. No matter how cliche...they are always good in my books.

Loz brought a mini case of chocolates which got us all liquored up.

My sweet friends wouldn't let me cook for my own birthday party, it felt almost weird not planning, procuring, preparing, and cooking that day. Nonethelesss, I sneaked out a little something from my kitchen, this black chicken, coconut, and mushrooms soup (get the recipe here).
Perfect to get ourselves ready for our....
When my friends asked me what kind of food I wanted for my birthday, they probably had something decadent and elegant in mind....steak, seafood, etc etc. But I said I wanted junk food. The real deal, not gourmet-ized. I am talking KFC and McD kinda junk :D
At first one of them protested, but again I exercised my prerogative (I am a dominatrix control freak after all~), and they gave in. So, KFC and Pizza hut indeed, except sc insisted to get some sushi. So glad he did. The sushi was a nice refreshing surprise from all the junk.

The sushi shop screwed up our orders and we ended up with more than we ordered. When we realized that we got this extra tray for free, we surely weren't gonna complain ;) oppps.

My absolute favorite! Upper thighs, drumsticks, wings, spicy and non spicy, take your pick!
It's my birthday, I get to eat all the skin, dammit!
(actually, bday or not, I always eat the skin anyway hehe)

Pizza with stuffed crust. Fluffy fluffy crust.
After we ate,
we played.

The game was pictionary, it was played in Chinese, which made it very difficult for me and loz (I don't know Chinese & Loz doesn't read). But somehow...

Our team won!!! Our winning "guess" was...Mr. Hong Kong. That little "shrimp" was supposed to be Hong Kong, and those rows of buns were supposed to be rock-hard-6-packs abs.
I am sure Christmas was not all about gift purchasing & exchange, but the economy surely can benefit from it.

Yeah. Let's blame everything on "the economy"
I gave...

I gave...

...and I received!
A LOT!!!

Everybody, thanks sooooooooooo much for all the wonderful gifts!!!
Did you notice that some of them are related to food/cooking? :D

We ended the night with this super luscious chocolate cake from Zoe bakery, Wanchai, served with a choice of peach champagne (courtesy of Athena, check out her post about this party here. It's in Chinese) or hot earl grey tea.
...and...you wanna know what's inside that Le Creuset box.

It's something I can whack Vincent with.
Will it leave grill marks on him?
The mini chocolate looks good
The mini chocolate looks good....
That last photo is just so memorable and funny! You are surely loving dark chocolate aren't you :). Dark chocolate milk pudding and now black Lindor.
Pizza Hut looks better than what I have in the US. Me want HK Pizza Hut!
This looks so fun! Happy Birthday!
Happy belated birthday!
I have recently received shopping vouchers for my birthday and I was planning to get a Le Creuset grill pan! Yay to wonderful friends!
What a lovely presents you received and actually most are related to kitchen. That piece of chocolate cake looks really sinful and delicious.
Hey, I love those two chocolate too....
I keep meaning to ask you, where are you from Reets? Malaysia? Singapore? Your 'la' at the ends of your sentences makes me think Malaysia!
Jax x
thanks for the nice comments guys~
ETE, i surely love my dark choco :D ehm best pizza hut...i think the one in semarang :D
mrs ergul, the grill pan? go for it! :)
jax, i am from indonesia hohoho.
Of course you're from the one place I didn't mention... ;)
Happy belated birthday, merry post-Christmas, and a very happy future New Year to you Ms Rita!
Jax x
Happy Birthday, Mochachocolata Rita! And Happy New Year too!
Happy Birthday! Is that a Le Creuset cast iron griddle? Can make gyozas next!
lol, so funny post lah. Looks like you had lots of fun........and presents!
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