I am losing it. Totally losing it. I meant my waist line (sob-freaking-sob), and I only have myself to blame. OK. I've never been stick thin. I always have chunks of meat here and there, but there were at least kinda at the right places ;). I had quite a waist before. Boy, I miss it.
There are a few (or a lot) of reasons behind the disappearing waist line....namely:
Yes! I wrote this in capital letters. Plus, he can't argue against it here, so I am gonna blame it all on him. HA HA HA! Seriously. If you had a partner in crime, who shares the same flaming passion for tasty treats, the temptation gets too great to resist. Sous chef loves desserts, (despite all the denials) especially anything rich and chocolatey and I received regular, if not daily requests or demands to bake something decadent. A huge chocoholic myself, how could I resist? When faced with chocolates, my will power to resist automatically reduces itself to sub zero.
I am not really a couch potato. Unbelievable as it sounds, I actually enjoy physical exercises. However! If it's a situation such as:
An hour of body combat class (even if taught by Mr. Super Sexy Instructor)
-VS -
Mr. Super Sinful, Rich, and Gooey Dark Chocolate Cake
What is it gonna be?
Right.....(PS. If any one of you chose the class, kindly click the X button to exit this blog right now. Hehe)
I faced such situation almost daily now...and what made it even worse? Midnight Snacking! I guess, the more we eat, the hungrier we get. Yesterday, at around 11 pm (after having a proper dinner at around 7 pm, and a bite of dessert at 8) I mentioned that I fancied a bowl of the (again) sinful Indonesian Indomie Goreng (dry instant noodles), and then I thought better of it and decided not to go for it. However, my sweet sweet sweet loving Sous Chef, ever so kindly, insisted to cook the noodle and brought it to my already embedded on the couch lazy ass. Tell me how to say no to THAT?!!! My will power...I probably didn't even have one in the first place. LOL!
Aaaanyway...as long as I am enjoying every second of it...it's worth it!
Here's another worthy reason to indulge...
Super Easy Peanut Butter Oreo Mousse

(yields 4 small cups)
- 1 cup of whipping cream
- 2 tsp sugar (you can omit if you don't want it so sweet)
- 3-4 tbsp peanut butter
- 4 oreo cookies, crushed

Mix cream and sugar in a mixing bowl, beat the heck outta them until fluffy, add peanut butter, beat until well mixed, fold in oreos, pour into small cups, refrigerate to set. No egg, no bake, easy peasy.
I am submitting this to...

by The Peanut Butter Boy
What is it gonna be?
Right.....(PS. If any one of you chose the class, kindly click the X button to exit this blog right now. Hehe)
I faced such situation almost daily now...and what made it even worse? Midnight Snacking! I guess, the more we eat, the hungrier we get. Yesterday, at around 11 pm (after having a proper dinner at around 7 pm, and a bite of dessert at 8) I mentioned that I fancied a bowl of the (again) sinful Indonesian Indomie Goreng (dry instant noodles), and then I thought better of it and decided not to go for it. However, my sweet sweet sweet loving Sous Chef, ever so kindly, insisted to cook the noodle and brought it to my already embedded on the couch lazy ass. Tell me how to say no to THAT?!!! My will power...I probably didn't even have one in the first place. LOL!
Aaaanyway...as long as I am enjoying every second of it...it's worth it!
Here's another worthy reason to indulge...
Super Easy Peanut Butter Oreo Mousse
(yields 4 small cups)
- 1 cup of whipping cream
- 2 tsp sugar (you can omit if you don't want it so sweet)
- 3-4 tbsp peanut butter
- 4 oreo cookies, crushed
Mix cream and sugar in a mixing bowl, beat the heck outta them until fluffy, add peanut butter, beat until well mixed, fold in oreos, pour into small cups, refrigerate to set. No egg, no bake, easy peasy.
I am submitting this to...

by The Peanut Butter Boy
Shoot. Sous chef is probably now flexing all of his IT related muscles trying to find a way to delete this blog. I should stop blaming lol
Sounds easy enough for me to handle ;-)) will definately give it a try !
Definitely true that the more you eat, the more you want to... After deciding to have a few treats recently, I've suddenly realised that I have been eating non-stop for about 2 weeks!!!
This mousse looks far too tempting and easy for me to know about...
Sinful, just sinful... the peanut butter oreo mousse, that is. Am losing my waistline, too! :(
Yum, this looks awesome! Such a small amount of sugar too, I wonder if it's more savory without sugar? Maybe it would be a good "peanut butter fraiche" topping for some sort of pasta. Hmm...
yummmm, sin in a cup!
Whatever lady! You got a waist. I see it! You look great. And at least you got someone to eat the food. Me? If I ate this all by myself, I'd be twice your size. Wait, I already AM twice your size. ;)
Mr. Super Sinful, Rich, and Gooey Dark Chocolate Cake wins EVERY time. :) Love, love, love your mousse!
Looks great and really as you said, super easy!
That's funny! My husband does the same, he says he doesn't like desserts, but ate an entire banana cake in 2 days.....
I LOVE oreos, I will try this recipe very soon, although I also have watch out for my Brazilian curves...hahaha
ohhh that looks so easy and sinful! And yes, I blame all of the junk in my trunk on my hubby! Can you believe that he ran out for donuts because he was craving them at 10pm last night? Of course he never gains an ounce but I will gain 20lbs. If I eat all of those donuts with him! Sigh...
when a dish contains chocolate and peanut butter and is super easy to make, there's absolutely no hope for me. i hope you don't mind if i blame you for my future weight gain. :)
Duhh jadi pengen nyomot satu...maknyussssss...
Wahh aku dah kasih koment, masuk nggak ya???
Tadi aku bilang aku mau comot satu n maknyussssssss
kayake aku mau ikutan bikin iki Rit, gampanggg dan cefatt juga endanggg :D
siapa yg bisa tolak INDOMIE GORENG?? apalagi ditambahin sambel belibis and bawang goreng?? rrr kirimin sini rit..miss u Indomie..
hmmm peanut butter dijadiin mousse kudu dicoba juga yaa.. gue kyknya bakalin tambahin coklat meises on top deh..nyummm
haha I totally identify with you about what you're writing too, especially the midnight snacking part... and i won't have the will power to pass the peanut butter mousse even if I'm on the strictest diet :D
wah, cocok iki kanggo buko poso ku sesuk :)
That was funny! Since finding the foodie blogsosphere I have easily gained 10/12 pounds at barely 5'3" that's huge. I told my honey I hope he likes chuncky chicks.....ha-ha-ha!
Liked the recipe!
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