My sis brought me this from Indonesia & I squealed with delight when I saw it!
I absolutely ADORE Indonesian style cabe ijo (green chilli) flavor profile, and I hardly find it in Hong Kong. That's why I got so excited when Indomie came up with mie goreng (my top favorite instant noodle) with this flavor. And finally, I've tried it!
Yeah yeah, my weekend breakfasts aren't exactly healthy. Weekends are dedicated for indulgence :D
Hmm... weekdays too T_T
My verdict, I tried it twice. The first time, I mixed everything from the packet, although I found it weird that the seasoning included sweet soy sauce (Indonesian sambal ijo flavor isn't normally sweet). It was good, but I'd prefer it without the sweet soy sauce. So the second time I tried it, I left out the sweet soy sauce and it was perfect! The "green chilli" flavors came through and I love love love it!
I had it with a fried egg, Indonesian style, crispy egg white, with still runny egg yolk.
I am not sure if it is available online, but here's how the packaging look like.

Hmmm, sometimes I miss sambal ijo flavors so much I cook stuff with sambal ijo flavors.
Here are some of the recipes:
Udang Goreng Sambal Ijo

Nasi Goreng Sambal Ijo