Monday, May 31, 2010

Easy Mini BBQ Chicken Pizza with Frozen Roti Prata Base

First of all, sorry for the terrible photos in this post.
I really have no excuses...I was simply too lazy and worried too much about for these mini pizzas getting too cold before devouring them.

I've tried making my own pizza before, including the dough, and (of course!) I've
failed miserably. The trauma of failing to make my own pizza still haunts me.

So, when I saw
Noobcook's cheater's pizza posts, where she made one gorgeous pizza after another using pita bread as the base...I was hugely inspired!

I didn't use pita bread though...I love...richer, flakier, greasier base...inspired by duck and mango pastry pizza I've tried's from (ahem) Spaghetti House (oppps).

This time, I've decided to make pizza using frozen roti prata base (I wouldn't even dream of making my own roti prata at this moment ^_^'). I thought of using curry or Indian flavors for the topping, but that would be too...expected, and it is probably yummier to dip the roti prata into curries than making them into pizzas. So, I went with BBQ chicken.

(for two mini pizzas)
- 2 frozen roti prata (I can buy these in packets of 5 here in Hong Kong, check your supermarkets, or alternatively, you can use pastry as a base)
- 1 boneless chicken leg fillet
- a couple of fresh shitake mushrooms, sliced
- a bit of onion, sliced really thinly
- BBQ sauce, worchestershire sauce, black pepper, olive oil
- 1/2 cup of cheddar and mozzarella cheese, grated

I browned the chicken leg fillet in a frying pan first to make sure that I get nicely browned skin, then I chopped them into thin slices. Slather chicken with BBQ sauce, worchestershire sauce and black pepper generously.

Preheat oven to 180C, grease a baking tray with olive oil (or cooking spray), lay the frozen roti prata on the tray, slather some BBQ sauce, add sliced mushrooms and onion, add cheeses...

Uh huh!

...and add chicken slices and more BBQ sauce (be generous) on top.

Bake until the roti prata base is all fluffed up and everything's gloriously golden (about 15 - 20 minutes). PS. If you want the base to be even fluffier, you can bake the base first and add cooked toppings just to brown and melt.

Fluffy, flaky base...savoury cheese, sweet and tangy BBQ chicken...what's not to like? Plus, there's no risk of heart break due to failing a pizza dough ^_* heheheh
I'll definitely make more of these mini pizzas, with different flavors.

I apologize in advance for my future bad mini pizza photos. My impatience and greed could see them coming ^_^


  1. I've never thought of using roti this way! Great idea!

  2. Flaky greasy crust sounds awesome! I love the topping...I love the base...I love this pizza!

  3. Excellent use of the frozen roti prata!

  4. How cool! My husband usually pan fry the frozen pratas in a non-stick pan without oil. I will recommend him to do this for lunch with a new dimension! haha

  5. Smart! I was thinking about making leek/chive pancakes (leek and egg and noodle fillings) by using the roti as the skin. :) I too am lazy even if I have a bread machine.

  6. hehe, I love this idea of using roti prata base! must be super yummy!

  7. What a great idea! These baby pizzas look divine!

  8. Now this is a clever idea! Goregous pizzas. :)

  9. I tried making pizza with pita bread before and recently changed to another dough-base. So similar to yours ;p..and with Indian flavored topping...hahaha....expected!

  10. The last time I made pizza the base was sooo doughy and tasted uber yeasty, so I see what you're doing with the roti base! Good idea!

    Having said that, I made two awesome thin-crust pizzas last night with the boyfriend - I ate three slices and I don't even like pizza! Going to blog about it soon, so will let you know when I do =)

    Jax x

  11. What a great idea to use roti prata! I also use the same to cheat on making curry puffs...I defrost the roti ever so slightly, put in the curry beef/ vegt mixture, fold in half, seal with beaten egg white, and pan fry. Yum. I also like to use split English muffins for a mini pizza out well. Great as finger food or for young kids.
