Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekend Breakfast - Pancakes with Canadian Maple Syrup

You know I'm too lazy to post stuff on weekends...but this time it's an exception.
I've been wanting some pancake breakfast forever, ideally from McDonald's (yes, my standard is pretty darn low), but since McD is one train station away from here...which means that I'd have to get out of my PJs and put on some decent clothing to go...then no.

Why don't I make my own pancakes at home?

Ya, ya...have been too lazy to do that too. Until I received this beautiful bottle of Canadian maple syrup from sweet sweet Jason (please visit his yummy blog
Life as a Bon Vivant , full of gorgeous pics of deliciousness from all around HK and beyond!)

It's been a while since I've made my own pancakes. This time, I didn't do anything crazy, no oreo/chocolate/peanut butter/charsiew pancakes. Just a stack of simple good ol' pancakes.

Recipe (adapted from allrecipes)
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
a dash of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
a dash of vanilla
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix all wet ingredients in another bowl. Make a well in the middle of dry ingredients, pour wet ingredients in and mix well. Heat up a non stick frying pan to medium heat (if you're using non stick, you don't even have to grease it as we've added vegetable oil in the batter), pour a ladle of batter, fry until you can see bubbles, flip, let cook for a bit and set aside. Keep doing it until you've done all the batter.

Serve with butter, good maple syrup and I like mine with unsweetened coffee.

I also wish that I was not too lazy to fry up some bacon and hash browns...I love starting everything with something savoury.

I can think of so many wonderful savoury treats we can do with the maple syrup...coming soon!


  1. Good old simple pancakes sound really good right now!

  2. Pancakkkesss yuuummmmm!!! Its past midnight but I have a real urge to make some... mmmmm

  3. yes! bacon would be nice too! haha

  4. di exchange ya blog nya hehe thanks for visiting back :)

  5. Feeling like pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, arr... must cook some of them soon :D

  6. aaahhh... such a beautiful can!!! and the pancakes look so good...

  7. Yours look good! And I adore the packaging of the maple syrup! I have never ever made pancakes, even though i will really like to try making it, cuz my hubby doesn't like it....

  8. such yummy breakfast is a rare thing on my table. either I grab and go, or eat cereal with milk. Love all your cutlery too :D
