Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dark Chocolate Loacker Quadratini Wafers

As if the dark chocolate milk post haven't tortured you, dark choco lovers enough...
I've purchased another dark chocolate goodies.
This time, it's Loacker Quadratini Dark Chocolate Wafers.
I spotted these baby at Prince's building's Mannings when shopping for...err...secret!
Let's just say...when you're looking for one thing, you might end up with other (better) things ^_^

If you're lucky and this pack is available anywhere near you.
Grab them before they discontinue them.

"Because good things don't last"
Obviously, chocolates did not make me any less pessimisstic.


  1. both my girls whacked a packet within 30 mins and ended up having a sore throat! they can't wait to get well and have another packet. according to them, its the best ever .....

  2. Those are great! They sell them in some stores down here in Southern California. I have to stop myself from buying them every time I see them.

  3. I love love love this wafers! We have it here and it's hard to stop at a handful.

  4. I like these loacker wafers:). Usually eat the lemon ones or the vanilla ones, but I haven't tried dark chocolate yet! I do have a blackcurrant (or some purple packaging) loacker wafers at home right now. Maybe I should do a review too since I am in the process of doing all my product reviews now hehe...

  5. Wow I will keep a lookout for this when I'm in HK! Two more weeks!!

  6. these are awesome, aren't they?? now i can't decide which one is my favorite... dark chocolate or hazelnut!
