Monday, November 23, 2009

Pan Fried Salmon with Korean Mushrooms and Japanese Creamy Sesame Dressing

I am crap at food styling.

I didn't know what got into me when I decided to place this piece of salmon on one side of the plate, and pour the mushroom sesame sauce forming a weird upside down V-shape. I decided not to show you the big picture because I don't wanna turn you off this yumminess.

I am quite pleased by this week's food experiences.
A quick visit to City Super (armed with a bunch of coupons) scored me quite a selection of stuff I can't wait to try, including these salmon steaks, Korean mushrooms and Japanese creamy sesame dressing.

They're bound to create an easy harmony, I could already hear the melody in my head...(p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face. Wait a minute. No sorry, that's an entirely different story)

The dish is super easy, the only thing to worry about is the pan frying of salmon. Never, ever leave a piece of salmon on a hot pan when trying to play with the other....or you'll end up with this:
This piece was a bit dry, but the creamy mushroom sauce compensated it.

- 2 pieces of salmon fillet (HK$60)
- 1 pack of mushrooms (I used these cute yellow Korean mushrooms, HK$9)
- 1 small clove of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 small clove of shallot, thinly sliced
- olive oil, salt, black pepper
- Japanese creamy sesame dressing (I bought HK$40 for a bottle, you can select cheaper/more expensive ones)

Cut off the bottom stem of mushrooms, clean them. Prepare garlic and shallot. Saute garlic and shallot in 1 tsp of olive oil, add mushrooms, let them cook until wilted and a bit browned. Pour the sesame dressing generously, add salt/black pepper if desired. Set aside. Season all sides of salmon with salt and black pepper, pour a bit of olive oil and rub them good. Let them sit for a couple of minutes while you heat up your pan (preferably non stick). Once the pan is hot, turn down heat to medium, place the pieces of salmon, skin down. Let cook for 2 minutes, flip once, and remove once it feels done (firm but not too fragile), let the salmon rest for a couple of minutes, pour creamy mushroom dressing and serve. Garnish with parsley if you have them (I didn't T_T).

We had this for a quick weekend lunch, serve this over pasta or your choice of potatoes if you want something more "substantial".

Stay tuned for more ways to use the Japanese creamy sesame dressing.
I think it is also one of those things that taste fantastic on EVERYTHING.


  1. hahahaa.. sometimes, dont mind the styling, it tastes good=that's what it matters!

  2. I for one think mushrooms and fish/seafood make a wonderful pairing and you kept the skin on and crisped it well...crispy skin is a must!

  3. Hihihi, liat jamur Koreanya bikin geli. Gak tau kenapa?? hehe

  4. crap at food styling? no way! Look again! It wasn't bad at all! If I do the plating, all you would see if the pile of mushroom coz the salmon would be hiding underneath, somewhere! :)

  5. The Korean mushroom is darn cute! What a lovely dish!

  6. The Korean mushrooms much more slender than the japanese beech mushrooms. Almost like their models and artistes....hahahah!

  7. looks really good though without the food styling! i will eat it any dayY!!

  8. the photos look good to me, so i wouldn't worry about the styling... and this sounds incredibly tasty

  9. Yah! That is very similar to enoki, eh?

  10. a quick pan fry on the salmon is all it takes..yum!

  11. Looks sooo good with the mushrooms! I love that dressing, I normally drizzle over roasted broccoli.
