Friday, December 5, 2008

Super Simple Beef & Bell Peppers Stir Fry - Color Therapy

I need a therapy. I've been having too many foodisasters. I was almost convinced that it might be better for me to convert my kitchen into a walk in closet :p...or reduced it to just a microwave + a fridge, and put all the other appliances on a clearance sale, then use the money to finance my visits to all Michelin starred establishments in Hong Kong.

Stop! Before the thought went too far, I'd better put myself under some kinda therapy. Let's see which ones I should choose...

Normally I love perfuming my flat with cinnamon scent from baking...but due to my recent baking disaster, I am still traumatized. So I guess this option is out, or I could try sniffing my neighbour's stinky old shoes? Nope, they have a dog and it doesn't like me.

Retail therapy?
Hello?! Economic crisis? People are getting fired all over Hong Kong? Don't you ever read the news? Your job isn't too hot either. HAHA. So, no.

No sight of chocolates at home due to sous chef's conditions. The sight of me devouring a huge bar of rich, velvety, dark chocolate will totally cause him a serious mental distress. Again, no.

Finally I went for a color therapy. Not exactly exactly the one rooted in Ayurveda, but my own version of color therapy...which involves exposing myself to vibrant colors of ingredients to make myself happy, such as these red, yellow and green bell peppers, and cook something easy and idiot-proof, to avoid further frustration.

More than just a pretty face, they do good things to my body, they are sweet, fragrant, crunchy and they made my stupid beef dish taste brilliant!

Super Simple Beef & Bell Peppers Stir Fry

- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 3 bell peppers, core and seeds removed, diced (I used red, yellow and green. If you don't need the color therapy, it's ok to stick to just one color, whichever looks best with your apron, perhaps?)
- 0.5 lb minced beef
- salt (non iodized for low-iodine diet), black pepper, sugar, Chinese rice wine, olive oil
Saute garlic in hot oil, add beef until almost done, add bell peppers, season, serve.

Check out my other low iodine food here.

Sharing this recipe with the folks at Weekend Herb Blogging, created by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen, managed by Haalo from Cook (almost) Anything at least Once, hosted this week by Ivy from Kopiaste

I am all happier now...high on colors...let's see how long it will last, shall we?


  1. Ooooh! Delicious stirfry! Looooove yellow peppers, but the mix is fab!

  2. what a lovely colorful dish!! I love this stir-fry with especially bell pepper flavour

  3. really colourful and therapeutic indeed ^o^

  4. I always use these colourful bell peppers. I love the colours and the taste. Thanks for participating at WHB.

  5. Just looking at your photos makes me feel better!

  6. gue juga mau dong Rit dapat cipratan food therapy elo ;;)

  7. hey girl, don't be discouraged. i recently had a baking disaster myself, but you know, practice makes perfect! who didn't have kitchen disasters??? but your beef stirfry is definitely a winner. i love this.. sometimes the simplest of things can come out as the best ones.

  8. Love the colors! I always make sure my stir-fry dishes are fulled of colors.

  9. super simple makanya gw juga mau ikutan masak kek gini non:)

  10. Yum. This looks simple, tasty and very colorful. Delicious.

  11. Loved your colour therapy! I like the baking therapy, but it normally comes followed by the dish-washing therapy which I am not such a fan of...

  12. Color therapy sure sounds affordable and healthy,Tasty!

  13. Ritaaaaaa.. apa kabar ? krismon di Hongkong ngefek berat ga ?

  14. I love that - colour therapy! Well, the more colourful the food, the healthier it is.

  15. LOL - I love the idea of food colour therapy. I have had my own share of not so successful kitchen adventures lately - so maybe I should get some colour therapy myself.
