Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weekend Lunch at Hong Kong CBD - Restaurant Shiki

I hardly have lunch outside the office. If you've read my
previous Hong Kong CBD Lunch Saga, you probably know why I hate to dine out at lunch time peak hour. My level of patience is not made for long waiting, and my chicken shitty personality doesn't do me any good at snatching seats.

But dining around Hong Kong CBD on a Saturday it different. There's no crowd, no queue, no seat snatching, nobody's breathing down your neck while took your first bite and less possibilities of delayed or wrong orders. Oh Gowd, it's really like comparing heaven and hell.

I went with Sir A, a Japanese food enthusiast, to one of our favorite places near our office, which is normally a pain in the butt to visit on weekday lunch time, Restaurant Shiki.

What's your favorite Japanese food?
I wish my answer is something which would sound cool and sushi or some fancy-super-rare-super-fresh sashimi. But no, it just hit me. I love Japanese fried chicken (karaage)! I love it so much, I would definitely choose to order it if it's listed in the menu. I might have made my decision to order something else, but when I'm face to face with the word "fried chicken"...that's it...all my determination to try something new would be reduced to the size of a fish Something microscopic.

So, I didn't even need to glance at the menu, I ignored everything and proceeded to glide happily to order my fried chicken meal.

The normally packed place was almost empty, we gladly grabbed a corner seat with a view of Hong Kong harbour. On weekday lunch time peak hour, the possibility to get that seat is just slightly bigger than winning mark six (for me haha).

My meal comes with a side dish of stewed potatoes, with beef and carrots, and a bowl of miso soup.

Oh my....Wasabi Flavoured Japanese Style Fried Chicken on Rice. I hate wasabi, but I love everything about this dish. The wasabi flavor was mild, the chicken pieces were super tasty, the lettuce pieces were crunchy, the sauce was delish...I couldn't get enough! (HK$50 for the fried chicken rice, add HK$12 for a side of veggie/potatoes and soup. On weekends, you get a glass of drink too!)

Sir A ordered Grilled Chicken with Salad Sauce (Hong Kong's code for mayo). It's fantastic...but despite all the rave reviews on this one, I still love my fried chicken more ^_^

Restaurant Shiki
UG/F Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong
Tel. 2527 3190
email: restaurant (at) shiki (dot) hk


  1. that is very rude that you don't invite me for this lunch LOL.
    Look very good and make me droll!

  2. I love Karaage too!
    That's the one thing I'll order ALL THE TIME when I go to a Japanese izakaya place!
    The one that comes with special mayo is even better!

  3. Hi Rita! That fried chicken DOES look awesome!

  4. Yuumm I love karaage too and wasabi mayonnaise is such a beuatiful combination mmmm ^^! Haha as you can tell I love all Japanese foods so I won't be able to choose XD

  5. ohh, that looks so good! and the pictures are really pretty :)

  6. Yep. THink it is a good idea to hit the CBD area during weekends. Just like Singapore! Ha!

  7. ooo.. Wasabi fried chicken-now that's creative! Bet u can do something better in your own kitchen! =)

  8. I wish I could make some fried chicken like those ones. Those look sooooo perfect to nib away!

  9. Oh yummy, this looks really good. And I do know what you mean about lunching out and jozzling with the lunch crowd.

  10. Greetings from Shizuoka, Japan!
    You seem to like chicken, don't you? LOL
    The Missus regularly prepares karaage, even in bento, therefore I must consider myself lucky!
    LOL again!
    Interesting to notice that Japanese food has become so natural in hong Kong, too!
    Looking forward to visiting again!

  11. Greetings again!
    I forgot to mention that wasabi as first cultivated in Shizuoka City, the very place I live in!
    Cheers again,
