Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Earl Grey Tea Cake - Is Cake Your Cup of Tea?

Looks like I am really mad about mixing and matching food and drinks recently. First, Spam & Shrimps Virgin Colada, then Ginger Cola Grilled Chicken Wings...and now Earl Grey Tea Cupcakes. Well, as long as I was not mixing and matching alcohol with prescription drugs...while preparing these cakes, I guess we're good :p

How do you like your cup of tea?
I guess it's all relative, eh?
...with breakfast
I like coffee. HAHA! If it had to be tea...then it has to be Hong Kong super rich milk tea or Indonesian jasmine tea with a bit of sugar
...with lunch/dinner
Iced tea, Indonesian style, which means no lemon, no milk, can be with/without sugar, which is reallyyyy hard to get in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong coffee shops, people drink either milk tea or lemon tea. So, my order of iced tea in Hong Kong coffee shops could go as complicated as this: "Iced lemon tea (dung ling cha) with less sugar (siu tim) and no lemon (jau ling)", and I normally get either "HUH??" or raised eyebrow or a frown as a reaction
...with dessert
Hot earl grey/mint tea, unsweetened, no milk. I fell in love with earl grey tea the moment I first tasted it. I love its fragrant, citrusy scent with rich, sweet, decadent desserts. Then again, why not put them together?

Earl Grey Tea Cake

(yields 6 cupcakes)
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/3 cup + 2 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 cup tea (made of boiling water + 1 bag of earl grey tea)
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 egg white

Make your cup of tea first, make it richer than what you would normally drink, let cool. Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl, mix wet ingredients in another bowl. Mix dry and wet ingredients together with a whisk (should not take long, batter should be a bit runny, if too solid, pour a bit more tea). Pour batter into muffin tray lined with paper cups, bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Do not overbake, as the cake won't be as soft and fluffy.

What should I make next? Fried chicken drinks/dessert, perhaps? (Ew!)


  1. wa apik fotone..seneng kranjang wadahe...

  2. I love your cute muffin basket! :)

  3. This is excellent Rita, my favorite tea of all time is Twinings Earl Grey. No other Earl Grey even comes close to that brand. I can only imagine how delicious that is!

  4. wow, what's with this "drink" fix lately? I love earl gray tea, too. It's the best... and those cakes, perfect with them, right? :o)

  5. Looks good! Does the cake has the fragrant of the tea?

  6. ehem...i love cake with tea!
    udah lama gak beredar nih Rit, ketinggalan banyak cerita loh...

  7. Ooohh yummmm! I should try making cupcakes sometime hmmmm

  8. props elo cute bener sih Rit. Cake? absolutely:)

  9. This is absolutely brilliant! I bet it tastes divine.

  10. What a lovely photo! and i love my cup of earl grey in the morning!

  11. Hi, mau coba nich muffins...thanks for sharing! salam kenal!
