Friday, October 31, 2008

Pork Teriyaki Stew & Roasted Zucchini with Balsamic Vinegar

Against all Halloween odds, tonight our celebration doesn’t involve pumpkin, candies or any other spooky-cutey-halloweensy food. We’re going to a Chinese HOT POT joint! Awwww!!!

I stopped by a costume shop yesterday night…and boy! It was a total chaos! All kinds of slutty nun, dirty school girl, naughty nurse, sexy policeman, chubby skeleton, and kinky emperor wannabes were so close to groping each other while trying to grab anything (and anyone) in sight. There were at least 10 languages being shouted to and from every direction and there was almost no more red devil horns head gear by the time I elbowed my way in.

After dodging flailing bloody arms, scary masks, kinky costumes, and neon colored wigs, I got my horns…and the food devil was born…

I was sooo close to wearing the free cut-out mask from yesterday

This dish below has nothing to do with Halloween, but the food devil just loves teriyaki sauce. It is her poison of choice.

Pork Teriyaki Stew & Roasted Zucchini with Balsamic Vinegar

Pork Teriyaki Stew
- 1 lb pork ribs (I had some with soft bone)
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1 onion, thinly sliced
-1 cm ginger, crushed
- teriyaki sauce, pepper, olive oil, hot water
Saute garlic, ginger and onion in hot oil, add ribs, add teriyaki sauce, add hot water, stew for 2-3 hours until the meat’s tender. If you have a pressure cooker...grrrr...I am green with envy!

Roasted Zucchini with Balsamic Vinegar
- 2 zucchini, peeled, sliced into 1 cm thick slices
- 4 cloves of garlic
- balsamic vinegar
- salt, pepper, olive oil
Preheat oven to 200C, arrange zucchini in a tray, scatter garlic, rub some oil, add balsamic vinegar, season, roast until zucchini pieces are a bit charred.

Now, ready or I come!


  1. haha..Rita! You are so funny! You make a great cooking devil :)

  2. The Food Devil has good taste! I think you're much cuter than a slutty nun :)

    Food looks delicious & have fun at the Chinese Hot Pot! I'm jealous!

  3. The horn looks great on you. Love the yummy dinner too. The last picture reminded me of the scary movie where a dead girl crawling out from the T.V. SCARY!

  4. Happy Halloween ger.....


  5. Ooohhh I crave pork teriyaki nooowww! The pumpkin mask is awesome ;)

  6. hahahah I love the combination of this dish as i love pork and adore zucchini and yet balsamic vinegar to finish them off ... awesome!

  7. haha.. Rita, u look so sexy with the horn ;-))

  8. AHHHHHHH!!!
    Gosh.. this was a spooky post Rita!
    You could at least have served your food in a big carved pumpkin, no? :-)

    I want that free mask!!

  9. Happy Halloween!! Rit. I see you are having fun! your horn look so spooky...!!

  10. You are just hilarious! :) My Halloween night was lame - cooking in kitchen for Diwali party last night. :( Kali ya, my costume was apron and spatula. I loveee anything teriyaki.

  11. you're hilarious. what is it about halloween that brings out the sluttiness in women? it's so ridiculous!

  12. hihihihi..foto yang terakhir syereeem.. keq film2 horor hongkong mak..

  13. Rita, your posts always so entertaining. I'd love to come by one day and be entertained, along with trying your food. The teriyaki looks grand!

  14. You look great with the horn... ha ha ha! We do not celebrate halloween either, so I do not even have a horn or a mask! Delicious food! :)

  15. You are too funny! I love that final shot!

  16. wahahahahah.....
    onok setan.......
    wedi aku...


  17. hehhee.. Looks like u had LOTs of fun in scaring ppl! LOL

  18. LOL you are so funny and very pretty! ;)

  19. Hahhaa the last picture is hilarious!!!
    (And I was actually pretty scared too!)
    I wish next year I can go trick or treat, but doubt that people will give any candies to a grown up person~
