Monday, November 3, 2008

Moist and Rich Pumpkin and White Chocolate Cake - A Chocolate Racist No More

Are you a chocolate person? Hang on a sec! What kind of question is this???!!! Who isn't?

Hmm, actually there are so many non-chocolate people here in Hong Kong. They are the kind of people who would prefer fruity or Chinese sweets than chocolate. But I am not one of them. I don't only love my chocolates so much, errr too much, I went ballistic when they announced that many chocolate products might've been tainted by melamine from Chinese milk products. The idea of having to stop eating chocolate....Arrrgghhh!!!! NOOO!!!!

Living in a world of choices, preference, favoritism and subjectivity, I am guilty of not treating all chocolates equally. Frankly, until recently, I think I have been a chocolate racist. I love, adore and respect only dark chocolate, and like a faithful lover, I don't look at any other me, other chocolates do not exist. Until yesterday, I've overlooked and ignored white chocolates completely for far too long.

It all began when I was thinking of something which could complement pumpkin nicely. My favorite dark chocolate would've killed the beautiful scent and flavor or I chose a couple of good bars of whiteys, and as I expected, they are perfect for each other, it was like a match made in heaven. The richness of cocoa butter from the white chocolates gave it an extra kick, without killing the flavor or the pumpkin and the spices.

Moist and Rich Pumpkin and White Chocolate Cake

- 1/2 cup of mashed pumpkin (I used a quarter of mini pumpkin, removed the seeds, peeled off the skin, chopped it into about 1x1 cm cubes, add a dash of milk, and microwaved it on high for 7 minutes, then mashed them with a fork)
- 1/4 cup oil
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/8 tsp salt
- a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon (you can adjust according to your taste. I love them, so I used loads)
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 cup flour
- 100 gr white chocolate (chopped into small cubes, or you can use white chocolate chips)

Preheat oven to 180C. Mix all ingredients except flour and beat until well blended. Add flour, mix well, fold in white chocolate cubes/chips, bake for 20-25 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Submitting this recipe to Wandering Chopsticks' Weekend Wokking, Pumpkin, hosted by Ning of Heart and Hearth.

This is now an equal opportunity kitchen. Chocolates of all colors and shapes are welcome. ^_^


  1. haha. funny mocha! But so true la, can't do without chocolate!

    I think pumpkin and white choc is a good mix!!!!

  2. I love the cake, the teapot ... everything about this :D you make baking seem easy with your two line instructions :D

  3. Chocoollaattteeee ^^! Haha I guess I am racist against white chocolate then :( but I do love the speckling of white choc throughout your cake.

  4. Looks good, rich and moist like you said! Must be yummy!

  5. Aha! So that's what you came up with. Looks so good. I agree, white chocolate would have gone so much better than black for this.

    You racist. Only going for black and white chocolate. What about the yellow chocolate? Errr, umm, no yellow chocolate huh? Actually the thought of yellow chocolate is gross!

    I love that teapot! Your food stylin' for this is really pretty! No balancing on one leg while shooting on a dresser huh?

  6. Lindt choco is good! :P I want one too. Try to make more pumpkin dishes, thanksgiving is next!


  7. Pumpkin and white chocolate cake - yum! I'd love a slice now. I have met the rare individual who doesn't like chocolate, but they are hard to find.

  8. you're so creative!! I crack my head thinking how to make something from pumpkin!

  9. I'm also a non-racist when it comes to chocolate! I welcome all colors :) This cake looks scrumptious!

  10. i'm so glad you've overcome your racism. you're most definitely in a much happier place now. :)

  11. A very creative cake with the use of white chocolate...I want some now!

  12. Great recipe. This cake is making me hungry.

    I have never liked dark chocolate only milk or white chocolate. I am slowly coming around in my baking and using more dark.

  13. Yummy, yummy entry! Love the chocolate and pumpkin combination! Thanks for joining the fun at Weekend Wokking!

  14. That looks so good! Pumpkin and white chocolate sounds like an amazing flavour combo!

  15. pumpkin and white choco? sounds delish.. would love to try *hoping that you'll send me through email :)

  16. hi guys, thanks for the comments...

    noobcook, my kind of baked goods are only the easy ones...i cant handle the difficult ones yet ;)

    hehe and i am glad that i love all kinds of chocolates now...but the bad news is...ehm ehm say goodbye to my skinny jeans!

  17. Oops, I think I am a choc racist too. Woops!

  18. My eyes are glued on the lovely teapot you have! I am a sucker for things like that. You have been baking a whole lot lately and I loveee all of them.

  19. LOL I kind of have the same experience a couple of days. There was some white chocolate on the counter and I ate a piece. Then I discovered I liked it, I liked it a lot!

  20. late question, what size pan is good to use to bake this in

  21. you can use a small spring form pan for a prettier result. I just used a medium sized loaf pan, that's why my cake shape wasn't really nice...
