Wednesday, April 9, 2008

**Power Porridge

Reading my blog posts, these are the things about me you might've learnt so far:
- One heck of an unhealthy food fanatic
- Suffering from severe baking disabilities
- A short cut addict, an acutely lazy bum

Hmm, all of the above are correct. But remembering those hospital days:

(yep, that's me on hospital bed, and that's Andrew Zimmern on the celeb gossip magazine I was reading hehe) I wanna be a good girl for a change (if only you got a dollar for every time I wrote this sentence on my blogpost...)

This power porridge is just so bursting out with good things, maybe it can cancel out all of the bad things I had hehe? (to myself: dream on, you fool!)

The recipe is from our executive consulting chef, which we've tweaked by adding tofu and black beans. Deliciousness & health guaranteed, failure is own's (my) stupidity hehe.

(serves four)
- half cup of rice
- rice to water ratio = 1 to 5 (or you can use chicken stock)
- 1 pc tofu, slice into big chunks
- 1 teaspoon of fermented black beans
- HK$10 minced pork (it means just a little, you can add more if you wish), marinate with a bit of soy sauce and sugar
- 1 egg
- spring onion, chopped
- salt, pepper, sugar

Boil rice with water/chicken stock until reduced to thin congee, add minced pork, tofu, fermented black beans, spring onion, salt, pepper, sugar, cook until you get the desired thickness, crack eggs into it, mix well. Serve with Chinese fried donut sticks aka yau jar gwai (you can omit this, or just go easy on it ^_^)


  1. buryammmmmmm aku mau dunk makanan fav kalo pagi2 di bunderan simpang lima :D

  2. I'm kind of like you... i can not bake and i like not always think about health first when it comes to food. check our blog back later this week to see what we made last night - SOOOOOOOO unhealthy!! but sSOOOOOOOO delicious! but i like what you made - if you're going to eat healthy, it's GOT to be delicious!

  3. Ha Ha! I'm lazy too. This looks amazing.

  4. That looks delicious! And healthy too? A win win situation!

  5. Thats an interesting sounding porridge. The pork and fermented black beans in it sound good. I just found some fermented black beans and I have been itching to try them.

  6. All dishes look very delicious. I challenge it this time, too.I am interested in the food culture of your country very much. Please come to my site to play once if you like. From Japan.

  7. hehe. i can see why u say it's healthier.. but not with the addition of fried dough =)

  8. hi lia..hihihi...aku kangen sama versi indo...ntar minta ama mba retno akhhhh

    hi amy, kekeke can't wait to chk out ur so delicious albeit unhealthy treats

    thx carmen :)

    sg-f: yeah! being lazy rules!

    hi's healthy as long as we go easy on the fried chinese donut hehe

    hi kevin, yes...that was the first time i experimented with tofu in porridge/congee...kinda like it :)

    hi edamame, welcome, people in hong kong are crazy about japanese food, will chk out ur blog soon :)

    hi daph, hehehe...congee isnt congee without a few slices of fried dough laaaa

  9. Looks great especially with the addition of fried dough. BTW, I'm a lazy chef too. ;)

  10. Porridge, one of my favorite meal.. When you visit your sister, please stop by at MAMA and try our Chicken Porridge. BTW, didn't you suffer at the hospital with Andrew Zimmern on the magazine?
    My favorite part of his show is when he visited Harrods' Food Hall.. Should go there someday!
    (nice blog, yummility ;) )

  11. Sounds healthy and full of power and nutrition but I have not tried this combi before! Hmmmm....

  12. udah lama ga makan bubur...hikkss...maoooo bangetttsss...:D, btw rit berapa hari di RS...:D

  13. That sounds delicious and not bad for you at all, if you leave out the donut sticks!

  14. Ooh, I'd love to try this hearty porridge. I hope you weren't seriously ill in the hospital.
