Monday, February 27, 2012

Bubur Sagu - Indonesian Sago Pearl with Coconut Milk Dessert

Bubur Sagu - Sago Pearl & Coconut Milk Dessert
This is so worth ruining my diet.
I miss this dessert all the time. It is something I always had back home in Indonesia. My grandma would bring us to the wet market in the morning (Pasar Gang Baru) and brought us a pink version of this (made using pink sago and caster sugar instead of palm sugar).

So I tried making the palm sugar version last weekend and... it's so easy to prepare, and so satisfying. The sticky sago pearls have the caramel-esque flavor from the palm sugar, and the coconut milk "sauce" is slightly savory. Perfect!

- 3/4 cup sago pearls
- water
- 4 chunks of palm sugar (add caster sugar if needed) or you can use brown sugar
- half a cup of coconut milk + pinch of salt

In a pot (preferably non stick), drop sago pearls into boiling water, bring to boil, and simmer until they turn translucent (with minimum stirring if you are using non stick pot). Using a sieve, drain the water, place the sago pearls back into the pot. While the sago pearls were cooking, prepare the palm sugar by dissolving them in a bit of hot water. Pour the palm sugar syrup into the sago, stir until mixed well. Taste and add sugar if needed. Let the sago pearls absorb the palm sugar syrup. To prepare the sauce, mix coconut cream with a bit of hot water, heat it up (I did in a microwave) and add 1-2 pinches of salt, add enough salt to balance the sweet. Place a serving of sago pearls on a serving bowl and add a bit of the coconut milk sauce.

Weekends aren't meant for dieting, right?
I ate at least 2 bowls of this bad boy.


  1. yup, my diet is off on weekends too :P and looks totally worth lah keke

  2. haha! my diets have days off on weekends & public holidays too! this bad boy looks & sounds yum!!

  3. my kind of dessert as well! so light and refreshing!

  4. I never diet on days that end in "y". Ever. This sounds so delicious!

  5. This is one of my favorite desserts too, who could resist sago + palm sugar + coconut milk. So yummy!
