Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sauteed Mushrooms in Butter, Garlic & White Wine on Butter Toasts - Vegetarian Party Option

Mushroom Toasties
Perfect vegetarian option for parties, tea breaks, snacks, or even breakfast!
Super easy to prepare and so tasty!

I got the mushrooms from a farmers market which we visited last weekend.

Wait. A farmers market in Hong Kong???? Really???
Yesss! I'll post about it soon.

Anyway, yes. Fresh produce. Lots of fun. Now, back to the snack.

- Your favorite bread, cut the way you like it (I used Yamazaki Onion bread, removed the crust and cut into square-ish shape)
- Your favorite mushrooms
- Garlic, minced
- Butter
- White wine
- salt and pepper

Butter your bread generously, grill on a frying pan or oven until golden brown, set aside. Melt butter in a saute pan, saute garlic until fragrant, add mushrooms, cook until there's a bit of a brownage going, add white wine, cook until the white wine's reduced, season with salt and pepper, done. Add the mushrooms on top of the butter toasts.

Although I am a huge carnivore, no meat does not always mean no good :)


  1. food porn! I have to read about farmer's market in HK... something new to me.

  2. I wish to have a snack right now. Even simple things can be so yummy, and here´s the proof :)

  3. I could almost tattoo myself with "Mushroom toast forever" - love 'em so much!!! Nice post :)

  4. yum!! i love mushrooms!!! looking fwd to your hk farmer's market post :)

  5. ooo.. my favourite mushrooms.that would be hard coz i like it all!! Perfect entree or cocktail bites.

  6. All you had to say was "butter, garlic and white wine". LOVE.

  7. Option? What option? This is it. Won't miss the meat with this. :p
