Monday, December 12, 2011

Hong Kong Farmers Market - Crossroads Foundation - Tuen Mun - Part 1

A farmers market in Hong Kong? Really? Seriously?
Uh huh!
Here are some pictures from that super fun day.

Produce, glorious produce <3
Farmers Market

Farmers Market
Lovely people.

Farmers Market

Farmers Market
So cute!

Farmers Market
Teeny tiny melon! I bought this :)

Farmers Market
I bought dry and fresh rosella too!

Farmers Market
My favorite veggie, tong ho!

Farmers Market

Farmers Market
Colorful chillies. So pretty!

Farmers Market
Handmade noodles.

Farmers Market
Next time we should bring a portable hotpot.

Farmers Market
My two boys had so much fun there.

Farmers Market
There's a lovely cafe and a charming shop selling arts and crafts.
Part 2 photos coming up, stay tuned :)

To find out more about Crossroads foundation, check out their website.


  1. baby is looking smart & preppy in his cute little outfit. though SC & I have the same cardigan, but it looks totally different on him! :D

  2. The melon looks so pretty, it almost looks fake! haha...Sounds like heaps of fun! ;)

  3. wew... Rita, ur pics never fail to amaze me! sukaaaaaaa :P

  4. i love the farmers market....those handmade noodles look good. did you make anything special from your selections?

  5. Everything looks so fresh, I love farmer market!

  6. It's true. Get the handmade noodles and the fresh produce and hotpot on the spot! :)

  7. Your farmer's market is so much more colorful than ours are right now! Jealous!

  8. Love this! Especially those chillies. And yess to the portable pot next time.

  9. those baby turnips (on your first picture) are not only cute but super-delicious.

  10. Nice! Love farmer's market, there's so much to see!

  11. wow.. what a great market.. great photos too!! :) excited for part 2! :D

  12. Loving the vibrant colors of your photos! I can almost smell the freshness of the produce!! Those noodles makes me hungry too! Part 2 Part 2!!

  13. Nice! The veggies all looked really organic ;-)

  14. According to my culture, holding a small cucumber and saying it's cute at the same time is inappropriate..

  15. @freedom addict
    LOL LOL LOL...brilliant comment!
