Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spam, Mayo, Seaweed, Caramelized Shallot with Sticky Teriyaki Sauce Sandwich

Luncheon Meat, Seaweed, Mayo & Caramelized Onion Teriyaki Sauce Sandwich
I don't think I need to say much about this sinful treat.
Junk sandwich at its best!

Luncheon Meat, Seaweed, Mayo & Caramelized Onion Teriyaki Sauce Sandwich
Thickly cut spam, pan fried until it's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside...thick slather of kewpie mayo, caramelized shallot glazed in teriyaki sauce mixed with a bit of sugar until thickened and sticky, thick slices of fluffy buttery and cheesy bread, topped with crispy seaweed.

Luncheon Meat, Seaweed, Mayo & Caramelized Onion Teriyaki Sauce Sandwich
It's pure porn.


  1. Oh....wow!! That looks so good! I'm off to find some spam now....

  2. How good that looks! Super sinful but hey, it must be worth it?

  3. Haha I'm pretty sure I've never seen seaweed on a junk sandwich! Looks fabulous!

  4. super creative! and pure deliciousness IMO!

  5. i initially thought the sandwich slice was luncheon meat but thought wow, that's an overload of meat. And gosh - super super sinful! but looks oh so good too!

  6. I'm undecided between bookmarking this to make later and scoffing at how unhealthy it is.

    Why do you tempt me so?

  7. Aw, this Sticky teriyaki Sauce sandwich looks so tempting!

  8. I loves the sandwich, looks extremely good.
