Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mid Autumn Festival & Baby M's Birthday Party!

Last weekend, we hosted some simple get-togethers to celebrate mid autumn festival and baby M's first birthday, and this was one of them. It's also a farewell party as we're moving into a rented place (sobs).

Anyway, the only way to cure my sadness of having to move enjoy the place more!
So, first, here are a couple of irrelevant non-food shots..
Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
This was because I forgot to buy party decor...

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
But it felt good to play with papers, markers and scissors again.

And now, the yummy food!
Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
I've prepared some simple food...
- Indonesian spiced beef soup (soto sapi)
- Crab, pineapple and pomelo salad
- Turmeric grilled chicken in creamy coconut milk
- Garlic and fermented black bean grilled pork neck

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
White wine, sprite and grapes drink

Others brought some yummies as well...
Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
Jen's chicken, apples and bacon salad. It's the most amazing chicken salad ever! Check out Tom and Jen's fantastic blog for the recipe.

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
Janice made 1,2,3,4,5 pork ribs with some seriously lickable sticky sweet sauce, which SC wanted to mop with some bread that we didn't have...and I just realized that I don't have a shot of the ribs. I hope you can imagine how yummy it is from that background. Heheheh.

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
Gigi made pizza! Melted mozzarella, pizza sauce and homemade dough! And hello, I need a new oven...or at least clean it or something.

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
The pizza's then topped with serrano ham and arugula. Yum!

Mid autumn is no mid autumn without...
Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
That's right! Mooncakes! We got some egg yolk custard ones from Kowloon hotel...the classic egg yolk and lotus paste from Hang Heung...

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
Hello kitty snowy mooncakes from Maxim.

Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
Handmade custard mooncakes from Charlotte and Gary! Best ones I had this mid autumn!

...and what's a birthday party without a birthday cake?
We had this rose and lychee cake from Robuchon. Perfect for summer, not perfect for the birthday boy :D
Baby M First Birthday Party #3 + Mid Autumn Festival
Mama? Are you sure I can't have some? A bite? Please?

Sorry, son. This cake has raw eggs and other forbidden yumminess you can't have yet. Obviously, your birthday is just mama's excuse for the yummy food and cake...but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Muhahahaha!

Special thanks goes to Jason for taking most of the wonderful pictures...mama was busy fiddling with the food and papa was occupied by the squirmy birthday baby ^_^

I'll post more of the pictures on my Facebook Page a little later.


  1. Happy Birthday baby M!! serrano ham & arugula pizza looks yummilicious! wish i could have a big slice now :P

  2. Happy Birthday baby M! Can't believe he's a year old already.

  3. Aww happy birthday baby M! That is one seriously well fed birthday boy!

  4. i am loving all of your photos!!!! i really need a little pizza oven like yours because i find baking only one pizza in a big oven is a waste of energy

  5. Happy birthday, baby M! You should have asked your mama to make you a birthday cake, hehe :p And congratulations on your new house, Rita!

  6. What a feast - it all looks good. I hear they sell Angry Bird mooncakes on your neck of the woods :)

  7. oh happy birthday baby boy. he looks so cute next to that cake. everything looks delicious i wish wish wish i was are so fabulous rita. do you think you could fly in to california and cook for my sons birthday next month?

  8. Happy belated birthday to Marcus, wow how time flies, he is only ONE!

  9. Happy belated birthday to baby M! and I'm sorry you're moving/have moved out! I remember reading your blog at the time you moved in, and being really excited to see what you'd do with the space. Loved your apt! also, as always, the food looks divine <3
