Monday, July 4, 2011

Mushrooms & Napa Cabbage Miso Soup

Mushrooms & Napa Cabbage Miso Soup
I love my veggie tasty, so I made this side dish for a last weekend's meaty lunch. The weather was indeed a bit too warm for a hot soup, but still...miso made things so tasty we would've consumed this in our underwear dripping with sweat if we had to ^_*

Quite a seksi idea? Ahem! No, I didn't think so.

What's seksi this bowl I got from Franc Franc, from a quick shopping trip with Lia of Bentolicious. We both went crazy and I am so glad I did. I love my purchases!
Mushrooms & Napa Cabbage Miso Soup
- 1 small napa cabbage, sliced
- 1 cup mushrooms of your choice
- hot water
- miso paste
- a touch of sugar
- crunchy seaweed paper/strands for garnish (optional)
Bring a pot of water to boil, add napa cabbage, cook until they reach the desired level of crunchiness/softness, add mushrooms, add miso paste bit by bit until you reach the desired level of flavor, balance it with a bit of sugar. Garnish if you wish.

In 30something C weather like this, turn on your fan/aircon (or take off clothes?) and start slurping.


  1. I love miso soup! the bowl is so elegant and the soup just looks so tantalizing :)

  2. Love the pictures, Rita. :) I often buy nice bowls when I am out and my husband is starting to worry about our storage space!

  3. soup can be for hot weather too!!! esp if it is good soup like yours rita!

  4. this soup is simplicity at its finest! :) love the way how you presented something so simple but surely flavorful and yummy soup! :) I also love the mushroom you used, one of my favorites! :)

  5. That's another way to enjoy miso soup, great idea!

  6. I love the look of the mushrooms in the miso soup and I can eat soups any time of the year because I am a soup lover :)!

  7. It's never too warm for soup, if you ask me! This looks great!

  8. that looks so simple to make! flavours must be good!

  9. I enjoy using miso to flavor up my dishes too (other than making soup out of it).
