Monday, January 10, 2011

Steamed Double Chocolate Cake

Look who's creeping from under the table...
Steamed Chocolate Cake

I want chocolate cake, mama!
Steamed Chocolate Cake

I want. I want. I want.
Steamed Chocolate Cake
This is what people say in Cantonese "can see but can't eat" (yau tak tai, mo tak sek)

Poor baby.
I am always searching for a good chocolate cake recipe, and last weekend, I tried a recipe from Recipes for Keeps. A lazy bitch that I am, I didn't do the topping, which would totally elevate this soft, moist, fluffy, rich, not-too-sweet and very chocolatey cake. Ah well, maybe next time ;)

Recipe (my adaptation)
- 1 & 3/4 cup all purpose flour
- 3/4 cup cocoa powder (I used Hershey's)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 cup canola oil
- 1 cup evaporated milk
- 3 eggs (beaten)
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 cup boiling water
- a lot of dark chocolate chips

Sift flour, cocoa, sugar, baking powder and baking soda into a bowl, mix well. Make a well in the middle, add oil and milk, mix well, add beaten eggs, keep mixing, add vanilla essence, and boiling water, mix well. Add chocolate chips, pour into greased bowls/ramekins and steam for 15-20 minutes. If you use a large baking tray, the recipe instructed to steam for 45 minutes.

This is one recipe to keep. I owe baby Marcus steamed chocolate cakes ^_^


  1. hehehe, in time in time! i am sure he will ask for ALOT of cake and food with such a capable mom. I love u use evaporated milk in this! Plus no need to take out mixer!

  2. I think you showed honorable restraint in NOT icing these gorgeous cakes! Lucky Marcus!

  3. i read your post today and i made the cake a few minutes later. it's really good and easy! definitely a recipe for keeps.
    no wonder your little one was attracted to it.

  4. I can see that he is CERTAINLY your son :P And that cake looks GOOD.

  5. Awwwww Your baby is so cute!! The cake looks yummy! I'm also looking for a GREAT chocolate cake recipe.

  6. This post makes us Marcus's witnesses! He shall have his cake and eat it too, some day...some how...LOL

  7. Look delicious even without the topping! Yum!

  8. Yikes what a torture to baby Marcus LOL

  9. huaaaa...lama ga visit tau2 uda ada dede :). Lucu sekali anakmu rit!! Wahhh bentar lagi kalo anakmu uda makan solid food kudu banyakan dah bikin kue nya :).

    duhhhh kuenya kayaknya mantep deh rit....jadi ngiler...:)

  10. Lil Marcus is the real eye candy in the photos lol
