Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quick Cheat Laksa for Weekday Dinner

Quick Laksa
I wanted laksa but couldn't be bothered to go out in this heat.
I wanted laksa but with vermicelli instead of beehon and oil noodle.
I wanted laksa with lighter broth, not as much coconut milk.
I wanted laksa without cockles, or fancy shrimps, just el-cheapo meat balls.

It is confirmed.

I am troublesome (ma q fan!) ^_^'

But the solution is pretty easy.
Just do a cheat laksa at home.
Quick Laksa
(serves 2)

- 1 pack of vermicelli (soak in hot water)
- 2 packs of Lee Kum Kee laksa for hot pot soup base (or other laksa spice packs)
- 1 box of coconut milk (200ml)
- 1 heaping cup of beansprouts
- various meat/fishballs
- 1 cup of tofu puffs, cut in half
- a bunch of corriander, freshly chopped
- crispy shallot
- hot water

Add laksa spice pack to hot water (according to instructions on the packet), add coconut milk, add meat/fish balls, add tofu puffs, bring everything to boil and keep it hot until you are ready to serve. Blanch beansprouts, blanch vermicelli, arrange in serving bowl, add meat/fishballs and tofu puffs in the bowl, pour laksa soup, garnish with coriander and crispy shallot.

Done and done! ^_^
Now, I need iced coke to counter attack the sodium...and probably some exercise to burn the calories...(oh who am I kidding?)


  1. If you hadn't mentioned the cheat thingy, I would have thought you had done it from scratch . It looks delicious and spicy. I haven't tried any ready-made spice for such dishes as I am quite skeptical about the taste. How is it in terms of taste?

  2. I've never had laksa, cheat or otherwise. What have I been waiting for...I'm not sure. This looks seriously good.

  3. You should try the Prima Taste Laksa. I dont know if you can find it over there. They probably sell in the grocery. That laksa is the BEST one without going to sg.
    Happy EAT!


  4. I recommended the Malaysian brand Tean's Gourmet for cheat laksa :)

  5. I always cheat when it comes to Malaysian food like this. Instant packets are so convenient!

  6. oh so deep incolour and so rich! that's my baBE! :) LAKSA I mean!

  7. I had Laksa for the first time last year and I was totally hooked! Cheating or not, I would eat this any time!

  8. Beautiful pictures (as usual)!

    Prima Taste is good for Singapore Curry Laksa. I also like the A1 brand and the Chilliz brand from Malaysia. They're not really "cheat" since most restaurants use the same packets as well.

  9. Hi! Just found your blog and totally live it! I'm a Singaporean living in London and I do crave laksa from time to time. My cheat method is to use Thai Yellow Curry paste and for a lighter broth, I use unsweetened soy milk. Just add it slowly so it won't cuddle. Ta!
