Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Japanese Golden Curry - Beef & Veggie

Japanese Golden Beef Curry
I've made Japanese curry before, using House instant curry seasoning, and it was a little too sweet for me. A friend of mine highly recommended S&B. In fact, she swears by it.

One fine day, I wanted to give it a try.
Actually, it was my day off but I was too lazy to whip up anything more complicated that throwing instant curry and ingredients into a pot :D

I blame Hong Kong's humidity and summer heat, as always.
Japanese Golden Beef Curry
You don't need a recipe for this...but let me share how did I do mine.

(serves 4)

- 1 lb beef cubes (I used cubes from brisket)
- half an onion, chop into chunks
- 1 carrot, peeled and chopped into bite sized pieces
- 1 pack of straw mushrooms, sliced
- 1 zucchini, peeled and chopped into 5mm thick chunks
- 1 pack of S&B Golden Curry (Hot)
- olive oil, hot water, paprika (optional), black pepper (optional)

Since I used brisket, I used my pressure cooker.
Sautee onion in a bit of olive oil, add mushrooms, add beef, mix about, add carrots, add hot water, a sprinkle of black pepper, and pressure cook for 25 minutes. If you are using other kinds of meat (chicken, beef tenderloin, pork, etc, simply let the meat cook through and you're done). Once the pressure cooking was done, oh my! The beef stock you get...delicious even without any seasoning. Add zucchini chunks at this stage as we don't want to overcook them. Add curry seasoning a few blocks at a time and mix well, add more water if necessary, sprinkle a bit more black pepper and paprika (optional)...and pour curry over a bed of steamed rice.

I love S&B's savory curry flavor. Perfect!
Japanese Golden Beef Curry
Golden curry eaten overlooking a gloriously golden sunset...
One bowl was definitely not enough ^_^


  1. Looks good! Don't we sometimes need a break? This is one of those days! I have tried some other brand and it turned out too sweet and gooey.:(

  2. w00t! Look at the smoke (steam)! I always stick to S&B but a recent article I read compared S&B, Vermont and Kikkoman and seems Kikkoman is well-reviewed. Anyway, I still like S&B. ;P

  3. I love a good Japanese curry every now and then, just something about its sweetness and how it matches so well with the rice - you've got me craving one now!

  4. I've never had Japanese curry, actually. But being the curry equal opportunist that I am. And being that this looks delicious. I need to give it a try!

  5. I've never tried a Japanese curry.

  6. me too! I love adding chili powder in mine! hehe I tend to stick to SnB though.
