Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hong Kong Style Burger from Si Sun Fast Food (時新快餐店) Hung Hom

What does it mean by Hong Kong style burger?

It means...
- Generic burger sweet buns you can buy from supermarket, probably from Garden bread
- You can hardly tell if the patty is beef or pork or anything else?
- Salad sauce = Miracle Whip + Sugar + Water
It also means bloody DELICIOUS!

I order the above tower-of-sin (double cheeseburger + fried egg), it's yummy to the max! I didn't care that I could not tell if it was beef or pork.

This was the double pork cheese burger...equally delicious, tasted pretty much the same as mine minus the fried egg...

Some of us ordered fish burgers...and since it's so small, I didn't have the heart to ask for a bite to try ^_^

If you thought that the tower-of-sin I've ordered could fill me up...
Think again!

I've also requested to order a serving of Hong Kong style deep fried chicken leg and a pile of Hong Kong style fries, and since we had to share the fried chicken...

The ever so elegant Jason Bonvivant meticulously dissected the chicken using fork and knife ^_^

I was waiting for him to do a bad job at cleaning the chicken meat off the bones, as I planned to gnaw what remained on the bones ^_^'

...and because we were food bloggers...

...we were obnoxious and did not care if others were waiting impatiently to eat the food, sowry! ;)

Wanna see what did we wear? Check it out here.

In case you're in town, give it a try.
Go early as the place gets so damn packed at lunch time.

Si Sun Fast Food

G/F, 1A Whampoa Street, Hung Hom
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2362 1279


  1. I actually like fried eggs in my burger...hahaa....but it is hard to get that in the US or where I stay in the US (if not to generalize) ;p

  2. I love that picture of both of you pulling out your cameras. That is classic!

  3. Cool! I can check out this place when I go for concerts at the coliseum this Dec!

  4. I would like to try fried eggs on the burger...btw, is there any moss burger in HK?

  5. I actually like Asian burgers although they are small mmmm but then again I like all burgers hee hee

  6. Thanks for the recommendation.
    I will be in your island in early July so will definitely order myself the tower of sin ;). Happy blogging!

  7. tigerfish, me too me too :)

    joanne, tat's what food bloggers do right? tell us we're not the only ones please :)

    PL, hehehe yes this one is a must try!

    roossy, yes we have MOS burger here, it's sc's no 1 favorite! ;)

    FFIchiban, they're small so you can eat like 2-3 of them heheheh

    gracie, lemme know if you like the burgers ;)

    jessie, totally! ;)

  8. I think i finally saw the bun on that picture!
    Noo .. not the one of that freakin' delicious-looking burger! :) I HAVE TO EAT those burgers next time i'm in HK. I HAVE TO!!!
