Thursday, June 17, 2010

Easy Bread Pudding with Dark Choco Chips

One night...I just felt a really really strong urge.... to bake.
Something sweet and sticky...but most importantly something easy.
You see, I don't handle failures very well, especially close to midnight ^_*

On another note, you know that sometimes couples have differences.
Ahem. Nothing principal, just...reconciliable differences.
Such as...different air conditioning temperature, love/hatred towards durian, and stuff like that.
Speaking of differences and bread puddings...SC and I are different.

I like my bread pudding pale and this...

...and he likes his like this...

Golden brown, sweet and crunchy top, with soft and fluffy bottom.
How did we handle it? I cut a big chunk off the right corner when it was still pale, and dump the rest back into the oven to achieve SC's preferred state of bread-pudding-ness. It worked pretty well, we both got what we wanted :)

Now, how easy exactly is this bread pudding?

(adapted from
- 2 slices of bread
- salted butter/margarine
- 1 cup of milk
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1/3 cup sugar
- a dash of vanilla

- a dash of cinnamon
- a couple handfuls of dark chocolate chips (optional, you can use raisins)
- maple syrup for glazing (optional)
- chocolate syrup and condensed milk to serve with (optional)

Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Slather bread slices with butter, super generously ^_^ and tear down into pieces (doesn't have to be very small). In a mixing bowl, mix beaten eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and milk, whisk (or use a mixer) until well combined. Add bread pieces into the batter and let the bread soak all those eggy creamy goodness. Grease a baking pan, pour batter with bread, add dark chocolate chips here and there, and bake for 20-30 minutes or until it springs back when touched. If you want the golden brown, ultra crispy finish like SC, slather maple syrup on the surface, crank up the oven to 200C, place bread pudding on top shelf and bake until golden but not severely burnt. Serve with ice cream, chocolate syrup, condensed milk or devour as is. It is good enough. No. It's beyond!

I am sooo gonna make a savoury version soon ^_^
Stay tuned!


  1. are u craving more sweet foods during this period? :p I love the syrup drizzle ... look forward to the savoury version too ^^

  2. Oooh, bread pudding is my favourite especially with vanilla cream! It looks so tempting! Pity we are not neighbours or I'll be at your doorstep now!(blushing)

  3. Having cravings now? I like mine toasted on the top as well =)

  4. I love how you compromised so you both get what you want. I think I like mine somewhere in the middle of those two...actually I think I love bread pudding just about any way imaginable!

  5. ommggg bread and butter puddinnnggggg!! I must make one soonnn!!

  6. Yummy, looks so delicious and inviting!

  7. I like the golden version.....quick quick, where's the savory one?

  8. As a Brit I must say that the inclusion of chocolate is somewhat of a deviation from an original bread & butter pudding. As a foodie, however, I must say that it looks A-MAY-ZING and I want to eat it all NOW :D

    Whatchu gonna do with the savoury version?

    Jax x
