Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chicky Love

"First love never dies" yeah. right. I don't think so. Everybody had their puppy love, and I forgot mine as easily as I forgot to bring my office access card every morning :)

If there's one love I can never get over, is my love for chicken. Call it my chicky love. The scene of a young girl waiting impatiently by the kitchen for the chicken to be served, skillful little hands meticulously peeling the meat off the bones, the big grin full of joy after every bite, face smeared by chicken bits and pieces while licking the bone of the fried chicken thigh, everything are still so vivid in my mind.

So, I hope I will certainly bore you with chicken-and-chicken-again postings. MUHAHAHAHA.

This one is "adapted" from Jamie Oliver's Tender & Crisp Chicken Legs with Sweet Tomatoes. I've tweaked it so much due to (un)availability of ingredients and time constraint, it finally became something else (doesn't it always?)

- 4 x Chicken thigh fillet, cut half = 8 pieces
- as much tomatoes as you can fit in the oven tray (slice each tomato into approx. 8 parts)
- half an onion, just cut into a few parts
- a few cloves of garlic, don't bother to even peel the skin off (this is so Jamie)
- some broccoli
- olive oil, salt, pepper

Rub chicken fillets with some salt and pepper, to dramatically shorten cooking time, I pan fried the chicken fillets to crisp the skin. Pre-heat oven to 200 C, lay everything on oven tray, spread everything evenly, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle salt and pepper (I did this rather generously), bake for about 30 minutes or until the chicken meat is cooked through and covered with tomato juice.

You'll get tender, tasty, tomatoey and juicy chicken with crispy skin, chickeny tomatoes and broccoli...and the juice....hmm I think I just fell in love all over again.

PS. My sous chef is so against chicken. Between you and me, I think it's just jealousy.


  1. nice ambient photog of those chicken tho..

    and another dish with broccoli...mmmm...

  2. hi jase, not a big fan of broccoli? hehehe it's my favorite veggie after zucchini ^^

  3. weleh ng pawonku enek pitik. moro nek pawonmu yo nemok chicken. pitik kr chicken podo to Rit? huahahaha :p

  4. kekeke pitikku mlayu lungo pawonmu, dolan hwahwahwahahaha

  5. I like (almost) all vege except zucchini!

  6. tigerfish: i wish i could convert you to be a zucchini fan one day hehehe

  7. I love Jamie too.... udah ganteng pinter masak lagi...anake ayu ayu nisan :D

  8. hi yin, aku senengnya dia lucuuuu hehehe...dan very passionate :)

  9. ritaaa...aku contek yang ini yaa...keliatan enak dan gampnag:D tfs ya

  10. hi els...gampangnya ga ketulungan hehehe monggo monggo...sayurannya boleh diganti, boleh juga ditambahin kentang/pumpkin, sayang ovenku seseg, cilikkkk seehhhh
