Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Black Sesame Pudding

This is one of Snacks in Black I purchased earlier. Finally I tried making this pudding, thanks to sous chef's persistent follow up (what a good project manager)

Day 1
SC: Are we having the black sesame pudding tonight?
Me:'s too late...maybe tomorrow...
Day 2
SC: Are we having the black sesame pudding tonight?
Me: I'm not in the mood, maybe tomorrow...
Day 3
SC: Black. Sesame. Pudding
Me: I have a headache, maybe tomorrow...
...Day 10

SC: Where. Is. My. Black. Sesame. Pudding!
Me: It's that time of the month, maybe tomorrow? I promise!
Day 11
5:10 pm...
SC: We're having black sesame pudding tonight right?
Me: (reluctantly)...yes...
8:15 pm...
SC: Yeah! Yeah! Black sesame pudding! You need to start preparing it
Me: maybe after exercise class?
10:30 pm...
Me: (ah maybe I don't have to make the bloody pudding after all..hihihi)
11:15 pm...
SC: (Eyes sharper than flying daggers) Aren't you going to prepare the pudding??!
Me: (sigh...seems I can't put this off any longer, moved my ass off to the kitchen, forcing a smile)...OKOK...gonna do it now...

OK. "Making" may not be the correct word, as I actually didn't "make" anything. All I did was...

1. Taking pictures of the Black Sesame Instant Pudding Mix and the milk

2. Pouring 400 ml milk, mixing it with the powder, heating it up

3. Pouring the mix into these little plastic moulds, letting it cool off and moving them to the fridge

Day 12
Both: creamy, sweet, smooth, & velvety..

So easy yet so yummy...if it sounds too good to be true...I'll try it :)


  1. If you had tried earlier making the pudding, maybe everything will appear early, you will be IN the mood, and you won't have that killer headache!

  2. ::yin::
    gimme gimme gimme...!!!
    black sesame pudding shud b on dessert category rite? not snack.
    looks great anyway... ;P

  3. tigerfish: haha you are so right!

    yin: it should be under yummy category, thx for the reminder haha. remind me to buy u this when i go back to indo

  4. This sounds really good! I went to HK last year and had black sesame gelato at the food court of 360 and I loved it! So I'm sure I would love this too :)

  5. Hey if packaged food tastes good, why not right? :) I love making packaged Almond Tofu-fa!!

  6. That black sesame pudding sounds really good! I really like black sesame desserts. I even tried making my own black sesame ice cream.

  7. wow, the black sesame pudding looks good. Love the plates too.

  8. Now, I'm in the mood for black sesame pudding. ;)

  9. hahah a very persistent fren..but then again you can really procrastinate!!!

  10. hi joey and kevin, yes!!! black sesame ice cream is know wat? try sweet potato ice cream, it's deeliciousss (i will take pic for you guys)

    hi cakewardrobe, thanks for the comment, you will be seeing more packaged things soon (sorry again) hehe...but this one is really worth buying, cheap + yummy + easy :)

    hi mandy, last year i was so in the mood for polka dots and these plates are xmas gift from a party :) they are from a shop in hk called "franc franc"

    hi suzan, i hope you'll always be "in the mood" for "everything" ;)

    hi joe, i used all of my lame excuses already hahaha...had no choice but to do it :)

  11. hey, u did it-that matters most. I love black sesame.. hv to hunt for that package soon.

  12. hey u hv daisho japanese shop there? hk's jusco $10 shop = daisho in other countries :)

  13. Black sesame pudding! Gimme! :)

    Looks gorgeous. I like how it's in two layers. The versions I've seen here are just all black.

  14. rasane iku pie? ndak podo kyk wijen putih biasa ? kelingan entuk kue moci berbalut bubuk wijen iteng :D

  15. lah lucu nih si pudding bentuknya. baru tau ada black sesame pudding qiqiqii

  16. wandering chopsticks: yes...the 2 layers are auto. it's amazing how they thought of it. some of the powder just went down once you pour the liquid into the cups. and the white part tastes just as good, not less rich watsoever. i really hope you guys have daisho there...or japanese supermarket which stocks this packets

    ayin: hihihi rasane koyok opo yo...hmmm sing aku ngerti sih...enakkkk hehehe gurih2

    dwiana: iya neh, japanese kan hobi banget sama black sesame, lain kali aku beli rasa yg laen ahhh kekeke

  17. ritaaa...rasane gimana...huhuhu sama kayak flan yang manis gitu ga ?

  18. hi els, iya iya kayak2 flan kekeke tapi black sesame..gurih + manis wes :)

  19. You almost write this blog everyday... So nice!!
    It's good to use 'MengNiu' milk for the dessert (Taste stronger)... unless your intestine could digest the fat in milk....
    Some people, include me, can't drink too much milk, coz no such enzyme in my intestine to digest it. :(
    however, in chinese medicine, sesame is good to health, especially for preventing white hair.....
    Will it be a good effect after mixing them together .... ^.^?
    Hahaha .... I like dessert soooo much !!... Thx !! ^.*

  20. hi jacky, thanks for stopping by ^_^ the pudding surely did some good for me, it made me happy *grin*

    to little corner of mine: i hope there's a daisho near you so you can get this packets ^_^

  21. wow, the black sesame pudding looks really good.
