Saturday, June 18, 2016

8 Reasons Why SC Is A Cool Dad

Here are 8 reasons why SC is a pretty darn cool dad.

1. He's pretty hands-on with OB
Diaper-changing, bottle feeding, rocking him to sleep, etc etc etc. You name it, he's done it.
He is great at multitasking too.
As you can obviously see in this picture below...
Like Father, Like Son - When Your Father is A Gamer

Baby Marcus Swimming Gear

And those muscles are pretty handy when he needs to carry OB around. Until now.
Indonesian Selendang Batik Baby Carrier

Papa, baby, carrier

2. He shows OB that it's cool to be naughty and silly.
There's nothing wrong with making a fool of yourself.
Baby & Papa Channeling Gangnam Style

And it's ok to be naughty, you just have to make up for it somewhere else and own what you've done.
Baby M's Antics

3. He'll always have OB's back.
Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window

Baby M in H&M Snoopy Tee
PS. Son, it's ok for dudes to get their toe nails polished.

4. He's OB's first co-conspirator, his partner in crime.
Father & Son conspiracy

Obviously, conspiring against mama. Hmpfh.
boys conspirating against mama

5. He's OB's toughest coach.
Life is tough, son.
So, you gotta be tougher.

6. He shows OB how it's done.
He leads by example.
He didn't mind getting his ass thoroughly kicked in a taekwondo competition; ending up with a broken wrist, because he wanted to show OB that winning doesn't come easy.

Be passionate about what you love.
In whatever you do, give it all you got.
Don't do a half-ass job.
Kenneth bicycle race

7. He teaches OB confidence.
Work hard for what you want, and when you got it, don't be afraid to flaunt it.
Always put your best foot forward.
Or it's probably just mama's excuse to put up this picture. Don't waste mah...
Kenneth six pack abs

Pretty much nothing great in life comes easy.
This is what it takes to get that chiseled figure.

And 200 push ups a day.

Plus, he passes on his good genes to OB.
See? Like father, like son.
Baby & Papa Napping

8. He teaches OB kindness and generosity.
SC is no saint. He's pretty selfish most of the time. But deep down, there's kindness and he's really generous to those he cares about. I'm glad he passes them on to OB.

OB played violin in front of a crowded MTR exit to raise fund for drought victims in Ethiopia. It was so heartwarming to see how others' enthusiasm in supporting what he's doing. All credits went to SC who orchestrated this and encouraged OB to do it. SC taught OB that there's more to life than toys and if we could use our abilities to help others, we should.

Babi, you're our superhero (when you're not annoying).

Marcus OB and Papa birthday Photoshoot

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