Thursday, August 9, 2012

Peanut Butter Brownie

Peanut Butter Brownie
Sigh... if only every failure looked this good!

You may not believe it... but I failed this brownie recipe. This was my second attempt and I still failed.
Peanut Butter Brownie
Sobs. But at least I ended up with......this beautiful failure.
In my first attempt, I mistakenly melted dark chocolate chips into the batter, and ended up with burnt top + jiggly bottom.

In this second attempt, I carefully followed the recipe, covered the baking tray with aluminium foil to prevent from burning. The top's done beautifully, but the bottom was never set no matter how long I baked it for. 
Peanut Butter Brownie
I really don't know what I did wrong...

But rich melted chocolate + savory peanut butter?
Peanut Butter Brownie
Failure or not, still tasted pretty bloody amazing.

Here's the recipe if you wanted to give it a try, many have succeeded, I am sure I failed because of my own stupidity. Thanks Mrs Ergul for sharing the recipe with me. I still licked the tray clean :)


  1. oh my good that looks incredibly delish!
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    visit <3

  2. it still sounds fantastic! maybe your oven is too hot at the bottom? or is it a fan oven?

  3. Aww! looks really preatty and of course lip-smacking! mauuuu

  4. aww, looks really pretty and of course lip-smacking! mauuu...

  5. Not sure why it never set, but sure looks divine!

  6. look really pretty with all the swirls! nevermind, just pretend it's a molten lava cake ;D

  7. This is a pretty gorgeous failure.

  8. This still looks so decadent and yum, Rita! It reminds me of a self-saucing pudding...think of it as you 'tweaking' the recipe to make something new =P hehe.

  9. Beautiful failure, sounds so poetic. Try using a metal baking pan your next time trying this. I'm not a fan of using glass or enamel ware for baking cakes or brownies. Still looks fantastic though!

  10. How about next time you bake it in a baking tin (the aluminium/tin type) and see how it comes out. :D

  11. To me, rich melted chocolate + savory peanut butter = SUCCESS already. Plus, it looks beautiful. So no failure ya?

  12. I have this problem all the time. Someone told me to try baking the brownie part for 10 minutes before swirling in the other batter, but I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if that works. But runny brownies over vanilla ice cream is divine :)

  13. I'm very sorry it didn't turn out for you :( But as promised, I will make this for you when you come over :)

  14. As others have said and speaking from experience... Definitely use a metal baking pan.
    Looks absolutely delish though! :-}
