Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Refreshing Green Salad with Feta Cheese & Summac

Refreshing Salad with Feta Cheese & Summac
My good friend's husband, who's a chef in a Lebanese restaurant in Hong Kong, gave me a bag of sumac, the Lebanese ingredient (some sort of spice) they always use in their salad, which I ADORE! It is very citrusy, it adds an extra dimension to their salads.

PS. I always eat stuff off my friends lunch box and leave them starving hahaha.

Finally, I got to use it in my salads too, and this is one of them. Prepare a bowl of your favorite greens, drizzled a bit of olive oil and lemon juice on it, crumble some feta cheese (wow did I put more feta than veggie?) and sprinkle some sumac on it. Toss to mix and serve.

Perfect side dish for hot summer.

Thanks so much, Fabibi and chef Joe!


  1. if anyone took away parmesan cheese & anchovies from my cesar salad, i wouldn't be eating it. hahaha. feta cheese gotta be the best part of this salad. summac sounds interesting, hope i get to taste it someday.

  2. You know, I've always been curious about sumac, but have never tried it. That looks like the right amount of feta to me, the more the better!

  3. I have a jar of sumac and never use it!! Need to try this.
