Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hong Kong Style Steak House - Salami Restaurant, Tsuen Wan

Salami Restaurant
A charming classic Hong Kong steak house.
Look at that smirking little chef at the entrance. I adore!

Salami Restaurant
The decor is very old skool.

Salami Restaurant
I hardly see this kind of doors and curtains anymore.

Salami Restaurant
Black and white tiles, old chairs, Hong Kong version of diner seats (car wai)...I love!

Salami Restaurant
Sparkly disco stairway to a smoky second floor.

Salami Restaurant
Daily specials.

Salami Restaurant
Wilted flowers. Of course. I'd wilt too from all that smoke from the sizzling hot plate.

Salami Restaurant
Napkins and table setting paper, all with Salami classic graphic. Lovely!

Salami Restaurant
Set meals start with fluffy buns and butter.

Salami Restaurant
Red soup. I always choose the red soup.

Salami Restaurant
And then your sizzling meals arrive. Servers will pour your sauce.
Shield yourself with a napkin to avoid getting oil vapour all over you.

Salami Restaurant
This is a "mixed grill". It's overflowing with all kinds of meat in there.
Beef, pork, chicken, ham (or bacon), chicken sausage, mixed veggies and fries.

Salami Restaurant
The double beef. Marinated, corn starched, tenderized.
Ironically, not my favorite thing to order from Hong Kong style steak houses.

Salami Restaurant
My favorite from Salami is...these two huge pieces of deep fried and breaded chicken "cutlets"!!! Crispy exterior, juicy interior, tasty all the way through! Served with potato "salad" drenched with mayo. I LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Not every Hong Kong steak house serves these chicken cutlets. If they don't have this, my next go-to choice is the "grilled" chicken steak. Always tasty.

Salami Restaurant
Portions are generally gigantic, but we're big eaters.
We finish.

Salami Restaurant
Servers always assume that the boy ordered the creamy drink and the girl ordered the lemony drink.
In our case, they're always wrong.

Salami Restaurant
The giant meal ends with a small serving of frozen solid ice cream.

Salami Restaurant
G/F, 294 Sha Tsui Rd
Tsuen Wan

Tel: +852 2492 5021
Hong Kong


  1. the 'cutlets' look very similar to schnitzels which i love... looks good though!

  2. Your steak houses there are WAY better than our steak houses here!

  3. My mouth is watering! I'm saving this page. My boy and I are going to HK in January courtesy his mom being there. This is on our list of restaurants now. Thanks.

  4. I thought they would only serve salami there because of the name of the restaurant ;).

  5. really nice restaurant, the food also look delicous! Hope can go there some day. Link back to my site :)

  6. The food looks great and the different pictures. i am deff a fan.. below is the link to my blog

  7. drooling drooling drooling. it's so mouth watering
