Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Spicy Sardine Sandwiches - Happy Birthday, Indonesia!

Spicy sardine sandwich
Something loosely red and white to celebrate Indonesia's independence day.

Spicy sardine sandwich
This spicy sardine dish is something I always had back home in Indonesia. I always had it with lotsa rice, but thanks to Tigerfish, I am inspired to make the sardine dish a topping for sandwiches. Perfect for a light dinner.

Oh wait, considering the number of sandwiches I gobbled probably shouldn't have been considered a light dinner after all. ^_^'
Spicy sardine sandwich
- 1 can of sardines in tomato sauce
- 2 shallot or half an onion, thinly sliced
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- salt, sugar, cooking oil
- chopped spring onion and crispy shallot for garnish
- slices of your favorite bread (toast with butter if you wish)
- cheese slices (optional)

Saute garlic and shallot in hot oil, add sardines, balance flavors with salt and sugar, set aside. Butter and toast your bread slices if you want. Arrange them onto a plate. Top with slices of cheese (if using). Half and cut sardines to suit the size and shape of your bread, place generous serving of sardines on the bread, top with the sauce, garnish with chopped spring onion and crispy shallot....

...and merdeka!

Happy birthday, Indonesia!


  1. my husband & i were just talking about spicy sardine puff as it has been a long while since i last made them. and there u are, tempting me with these yummy looking spicy sardine sandwiches! i bet they are just as yummilicious as they look!

  2. that looks very good rita! i eat sardines in tomato sauce when i am lazy to cook :)

  3. It has the essence of lightness...which is all that matters.

  4. Woohoo.....I can have lots of those sandwiches too! I can't count! Just lots of them ;p ..if the bread is lightly toasted, it will hold up the sardines better.

  5. that's look so delish..usually I cook that when I'm lazy to cook..thanks for the idea of making it for sandwich..

  6. I would prepare same of that as finger foods. I'm sure everyone will be delighted by the chilliness it will ignite.

  7. Oww..this one is super easy ! Would love to try it. Thanks for your participation on Red & White Food Photo event, Rita :)
