Monday, August 22, 2011

Dark Chocolate Peanut Brittle - Couple Bet

Dark Chocolate Peanuts Brittle
There's a local bakery in my area that sells this fantastic peanut and dark chocolate brittle. Not too sweet, not too rich...crunchy and just perfect. We love buying a bit (HK$10 worth) for snacking when we had our post-dinner walks.

One fine day, we went to buy some, and SC asked me if baby M can eat this. I said no, because it has peanuts...and chocolate. Maybe after he turns 1, he can try a bit. SC proceeded to say that the thing has butter. I was not 100% sure, but I thought it didn't have butter. My palate is shit, but I couldn't taste butter in it. We proceeded to "debate" whether or not it has butter. SC (smugly) insisted that it must have butter, I insisted that it doesn't. Fine.

I proposed a bet. He needs to ask the owner if the brittle has butter. If it does, SC wins, if it doesn't, I win. The bet's HKD100.

Actually I had my doubts, but what the hell, I wanted SC to ask the bakery owner ^_^.

We went to the bakery, and SC cheekily asked the owner "Does this brittle have butter? I am OK with butter (suck ass), in fact I loveeeee butter (Almost implying that he wouldn't buy if there's no butter. Cunning!).

Sweet Taste of Victory
Bwaahahahahaha. HK$100, come to mama!
Look at SC's sosad face when parting with his HK$100 bill...
Well, at least he can have some delicious yet butterless dark chocolate peanut brittle to snack on while weeping his loss...


  1. i love SC reaction! oh how i miss you both! xx

  2. So now we know what's NOT in it, how about a recipe of what is?

  3. LOL! You go girl! I love it when us girls win over silly things. That peanut brittle looks yummy.

    -robots in trouble

  4. LOL...hilarious! Congrats on your 100 HK!

  5. Hello Rita. Greetings from California. You are so creative. Love the dark chcolate peanut brittle. Very high on the Yummility scale. Here's to living la vida Rita!

  6. wohoo time to go to the place of worship with your $100!

  7. Haha! You have food blogger ingredient intuition!

  8. LOL this is funny! I'm surprised there is no butter though...guess it's made from sugar + water and other ingredients then?

  9. Hahhhaaha, so funny! Bet more often. ;p

  10. Oh my Rit! I just giggled after saw SC's pic that you took. Lucky you to win from him hehehe (^.^)

  11. oh yeah!!!! A win for you! kekekeke.

  12. yum dark chocolate brittle and are leading the life!

  13. You guys are so cute. Butter or not though, this looks delish!

  14. Where is this bakery, looks really good!

  15. hi imagineer, it's right by kwai chung plaza, just opposite the park.
